Trick or Treat - FIC: Strip! for Govi [LotR RPS, Sean/Viggo, NC-17]

Oct 25, 2008 13:56

Title: Strip!
Author: Mitzi / tackerama
Recipient: Govi / govi20
Fandom: LotR RPS
Pairing: Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: None of this really happened. It's all in my head.
Warnings: Toys involved.
Summary: Sean receives a pleasant little gift from Viggo.
Notes: Written for Govi20 for the 2008 Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Exchange. Thank you my precious betas empy and littlemimm.


The phone rang for the hundredth time that day. Sean was tired. He'd had a long day and the previous night with Viggo had not exactly been full of rest. On top of that Viggo's plane had departed at an obscene hour. Sean smiled as he recalled the fierce goodbye kiss in his foyer. Neither he nor Viggo were quite ready to make their relationship public, so to the prying eyes at the airport they looked like nothing more than mates.

Sean's smile deepened to a happy grin, which according to Viggo made him look like a big cat.

"Hello," he purred into the phone.

"I'm completely naked," replied Viggo in a husky voice that was reserved for Sean only.

"Well, isn't that nice," Sean laughed and felt a little less tired.

"Have you found your pressie yet?"

"Pressie? No. I just got in," Sean's mind was suddenly racing. Knowing Viggo, his present would be a picture of him naked with only a red bow tied around his hips. Had the girls been in Sean's apartment that day? Could they have found something inappropriate? Sean knew his daughters were not in the habit of going through his things, but still he had been adamant that no sign of their interludes must be left behind.

"Then you'd better go to the bedroom," Viggo's voice was like honey.

Sean did as he was told, and his heart melted when he saw that Viggo had done his best to make Sean's king size bed on his own.

"You made the bed. Thanks, luv."

Viggo laughed. "That's not all, darling. Look under your pillow."

Sean took three long steps and lifted the soft cool pillow, hoping to lay his head on it soon.

"Well?" Viggo asked curiously.

Sean sat down on the bed and sighed. He looked at the hot pink dildo and a bottle of lubricant in his hand.

"Well. It's a dildo. What am I supposed to do with it?"

Viggo's laughter rippled at the other end of the receiver.

"Do you recognize it?"

"What do you mean recognize? How could…" Sean tilted his head slightly and examined the dildo more carefully. It looked like any other sex shop toy he had seen in his time, nothing special. It was made of some sort of jelly and it was strikingly pink, and the colour almost hurt Sean's eyes. Sean turned the dildo over in his hands trying to find a clue.

"I thought of you when I made the mould."

A wave of excitement rushed through Sean as he realised that he was holding Viggo's cock.

"How? I mean. Um. How do you go about making a dildo?"

"I was hoping you would ask. First though - strip." Viggo uttered the last word as a command.

"Excuse me?"

"Take your clothes off," Viggo's voice was demanding.

Sean considered the request, no, the command, unconsciously playing with the sizeable dildo in his hand. He found himself intrigued and invigorated. Sean stood up and took off his jacket and placed it neatly on the chair next to the bed.

"I'm unbuttoning my shirt now," he said in a low voice. His hands trembled as he worked his way through the tiny buttons. Sean's phone, which he had been squeezing between his left shoulder and left ear, fell to the soft carpet.

"Bugger!" Sean picked up the phone and checked that it was still connected. Sean was searching impatiently through the phone for the speakerphone setting. He would most certainly need his hands for something other than holding the phone during this call. A triumphant smile lit his face as he found what he was looking for. He placed the phone on the pillow next to the lubricant and took the rest of his clothes off.

"Ok. I'm naked."

Sean climbed into the bed and lay down in the middle of it, spread-eagled. The coolness of the room gave him goose bumps.

"Yes. I made a mould of my cock. I thought of you naked to keep myself hard. When the mould was set I poured very hot melted vinyl in it," Viggo's voice was seductive: low and dangerous.

Sean felt how his nipples grew harder. He played with his left nipple and sighed contentedly. With his right hand, Sean reached down to grab a hold of his erect cock.

"I wanted to feel what you feel, so I made two of them," Viggo said in a strained voice.

"I'm using the other one right now," he purred.
Sean chuckled. Typical Viggo. He reached for the dildo and the lubricant with his left hand, while still stroking his cock with his right hand. Squeezing a bit harder, then releasing the pressure and then squeezing harder again.

Viggo's moans and small curses were barely audible, but all the more exciting. Sean lubricated the vinyl version of Viggo's cock, smiling devilishly.

The penetration felt nothing like Viggo, but also not completely unpleasant. Sean moved his hips to find the right position to move the dildo and while stroking the length of his tumescent cock and decided the dildo could just stay in.

Sean's phone had slid down, closer to his ear. He could clearly hear Viggo coming and murmured with laughter in his voice:

"Fuck, I'm good."

Sean laughed and quickened his pace. He was hardly breathing when the climax was at hand. He rolled his hips once more and the dildo seemed to caress his prostate. The feeling was deepened by the last long tight stroke.

All went dark.

Smooth laughter brought Sean back from the mist of the climax. The line was still open. He removed the dildo lazily and turned onto his side.

"We should make a habit of this, shouldn't we?"

"Same time tomorrow, then?" Sean asked and pulled the duvet from Viggo's side of the bed over himself.


.trick or treat

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