007/006 Drabbles (PG) (1/1)

Jun 10, 2003 10:15

Two James/Alec drabbles that are rather on the sappy side.
Summary: Secrets.
Disclaimer: Lies, all of it.
Inspired by lannamichaels whose 007/006 fic rocks.


As Alec’s fingers threaded into thick, dark hair he found that for the first time, he wanted to share his secrets. He wanted to tell his lover everything beginning with his twisted, bloody past and ending with the myth that was 006. Alec wanted to confess every lie, every betrayal of every comrade, every hurt that he’d ever knowingly caused in another. He wanted to be honest with James, and for a man like Alec, whose life revolved around vengeance and death and fleeting moments of almost joy like now, the thought of willingly coming clean frightened him beyond imagining.


James always knew when Alec was troubled, though he rarely knew what Alec was troubled about. Alec was troubled now as he pinned James to the mattress, whispered rough, obscene words into his ear. James knew Alec was hiding something, he could feel it in the way the fingers wrapped around his wrists flexed, as if Alec was torn between hanging on or letting go. Abruptly Alec decided. He let go, rolled away. James turned, followed, wrapped Alec in his arms, held him close and wondered if perhaps they shared a common secret. A secret that frightened James beyond imagining.

character:james bond, genre:slash, fandom:goldeneye, character:alec trevelyan, rating:pg, type:fan fiction

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