Drabble: "Five for Silver," part five of the "Blackbirds" series

Jul 31, 2006 10:05

Title: Five for Silver
Author: Kris
Word count: 100
Characters/Pairing: Elrond, Arwen, Eowyn, Aragorn/Boromir mentioned
Rating: G
Disclaimer: don't own 'em, not for profit
Summary: Five lives which were touched by the mithril-silver Evenstar
Archiving: Rugbytackling, Sons of Gondor, others please ask.
Notes: Part five of the "Blackbirds" series, and follows One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, and Four for a Boy.

Five for Silver

genre:gen, character:elrond, character:arwen, rating:g, character:aragorn, fandom:lotr fpf, character:boromir, character:eowyn, type:fan fiction

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