Title: "The sweetest Song of saddest Thought"
dunderklumpenRecipient: For
vix_spes for
The Eleventh Annual Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange over at
Prompt: Éomer/Faramir - Faramir can't help but feel guilty that he can't love Éowyn as she loves him ... because he's already in love with her brother and has been for years.
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Faramir/Éomer + Faramir/Éowyn (onesided)
Rating: PG 13 just because it's slash
Word Count: 1.013 words
Summary: Deep down he was aware that her resemblance to her brother was the reason he had reached out to her in the first place.
Beta: Thank you so much to
gothrockrulz because I'm no native speaker and she was a sweetheart and looked it over:)
A/N: My dear vix_spes, I tried my best with your prompt to make you happy. Unfortunately it became sadder (and shorter) than planned. Hope you still enjoy it.
Story @ AO3