[Mod Post] Eleventh Annual Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic Exchange...

Sep 25, 2016 21:18

Did you know it's been fifteen years since The Fellowship of the Ring hit theatres? It seems like just yesterday. Let's celebrate this milestone by ramping up the Tolkien love, because...

It's time, once again, to sign up for the Eleventh Annual Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange!

Do you cast wistful looks at the children making their Halloween treks for treats as you dispense sweets? Do you think that dipping into the leftovers of your candy bowl is a poor substitute for the surprise of upending your treat bag after a night of costumed pavement pounding to see what treasures were waiting inside? If you answered "yes" to these questions, we have the cure for your All Hallows nostalgia: The Sons of Gondor Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange.

The best thing about our trick or treating is that our candy isn't all chocolate and sugar floss and taffy, and even our tricks are treats. We know our artists, readers, and writers have different tastes in what they enjoy reading/writing, and so in addition to requesting pairings (or trios, etc.), slash/femslash/het/combo, gen, and FPF/RPF, you can choose whether you want a trick or a treat. Trick art/fics should be dark in tone or make use of dark elements. Treat art/fics should be, well, lighter. Treat art/fics are sweets without the threat or worry of finding a razor blade inside. Tricks... well... you can't ever be certain what you'll get when you bite into one of them.

This exchange is open to both fiction and artwork, FPF and RPF, slash, femslash, het and gen. Single-character pieces, pairings and groups (OT3+) are welcome.

sons_of_gondor's only requirement is that at least ONE of your requested characters is a son/daughter of Gondor, character or actor. (And if you're only interested in FPF or RPF, not both, we can accommodate that too.)

Fics should be at least 500 words long, artwork at least a couple hours' work.

Signups are currently open, and go through to Sun. Oct. 2nd, 11:59 pm Pacific Time. All fiction/art is due Mon. Oct. 24th (11:59 pm Pacific Time), and will be revealed on Sat. Oct. 31. Announcements and updates will be available at sons_of_gondor as the exchange progresses.

We've had a lot of fun in the past, and there's plenty of room for everyone, from die-hard OTPers to people looking to scratch that really rare pairing itch. So no matter what turns your crank, be it Men with Men (or Women with Women, or Men with Women, or Men or Women alone, etc.), Men with Hobbits, with Elves, with Dwarves, Orcs or Ents, so long as one half of the (FPF or RPF) pairing is (loosely) Gondorian, you're welcome in our pool.

So come on out and play with us! Please feel free to spread the word, and Happy Trick or Treating!

.admin:mod post, .admin:challenge, .announcement, .trick or treat

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