Trick or Treat Fic: Through Your Paces (Sean/Viggo/David) NC-17

Oct 26, 2012 13:08

Title: Through Your Paces
Author: moit
Recipient: helena_s_renn
Fandom: LotRiPS
Characters: Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen/David Wenham
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Slavery is still illegal, so I don't own any of these men, just their fictional likenesses in this fic.
Summary: Viggo's acting up again, and it's up to Sean and David to put him back in his place.
Notes: This was written for the 2012 sons_of_gondor Trick-or-Treat Halloween exchange. helena_s_renn, I really hope you enjoy this fic, as I've done my best to include all the elements of your request. I also want to thank caras-galadhon and savageseraph for their patience and for putting this challenge on. I'm so happy to have participated this year. :)

"Turn that up, could you?" Viggo asked, turning his back on both the spray and Sean to spread the warmth across his body.


Viggo sighed in pleasure as he felt the heat on his back increase. He dropped his chin to his chest and frowned. His head snapped up to look at Sean over his shoulder. "You're pissing on me, you nasty northern bastard," he growled.

"You're warmer, aren't you?" Sean grinned back smugly.

"What are you trying to do? Mark your territory?" Viggo asked sarcastically.

"So what if I am?" Sean insinuated his half-hard cock between the cheeks of Viggo's ass. "You going to stop me?" He bit down gently on the side of Viggo's neck, earning a groan from the smaller man. "Fight me?" Sean closed his hands around Viggo's upper arms.

"Maybe," Viggo said softly. He twisted his shoulders, testing the strength of Sean's hold. Sean's grip tightened; Viggo struggled more.

In an attempt to slip out of Sean's hold, Viggo shifted his feet suddenly, but the wet tile of the bathtub was too slick. He would have gone down had it not been for Sean's bruising hold on his upper arms. "Easy now," Sean growled lowly in Viggo's ear. Holding onto Viggo with one hand, he leaned down and turned off the shower. They stood there for a moment, their skin prickling with the cool breeze coming from the bathroom fan.

"Come on, then," Sean said, taking Viggo by the arms once more. He nestled his cock in the cleft of Viggo's ass, urging him forward in an absurd parody of a stick-up. Viggo went willingly, his own cock rising with anticipation.

When they got into the bedroom, Sean pushed Viggo towards the bed. "Get up there and grab the rails. If you let go, I will flog you so hard you'll feel it next week."

Nodding, Viggo did as he was told. He lowered his upper body to the bed, leaving his ass in the air. Sean licked his lips, admiring the sight.

The sound of the front door opening and closing drew their attention for a moment. Sean grinned. "Dave's home." Viggo made a noise low in his throat.

A moment later, the aforementioned redhead appeared in the doorway. "You're playing without me?" he asked, frowning as he set his bag down.

"Not completely. This one was just getting a bit unruly in the shower," Sean replied, crossing the room to give David a kiss, his gait illustrating the comfort he felt in his own nudity. "Would you like to help me punish him?"

"It would be my pleasure," David replied, grinning into Sean's mouth.

They walked back to the bed together, admiring the nude length of Viggo's prone body.

"My, you are delicious," David murmured, running his fingertips down the length of Viggo's body. He enjoyed seeing the goosebumps his touch conjured on the still-damp skin. "What do you have in mind?" he asked, glancing up at Sean.

"Tonight I think our Viggo just needs a reminder of his place. Perhaps we could teach him a little self control."

A wicked smile tipped the corner of David's mouth.

Sean pulled open the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a simple snap-on cock ring. Nothing too crazy, but it would keep Viggo from finding his release before they were ready to give it to him. He moaned softly as Sean snapped the leather around the base of his cock and balls.

"Quiet, you," Sean chided, giving him a soft smack on the ass. "Now you just stay there and think about what you've done." He turned his attention to David once more. "How was your meeting?"

Dave shrugged. "Same shite. We finished earlier than expected, which was good because I was itching to get out of there. And I came home to such a wonderful surprise."

"Can I make it better for you?" Sean teased at the knot of David's tie with deft fingertips. He pulled it off slowly, winding the silk in his hand. Turning away from David then, he dropped the tie from his hand, allowing it to unravel. He crossed back to Viggo once more. "Open."

Viggo opened his mouth obediently, and Sean tucked a length of the tie between Viggo's teeth. He tied the ends off behind Viggo's head.

"Sorry about that, I had a bit of business to attend to," he said, turning back to David again. "Where were we?"

"Somewhere around here," David said, unbuttoning the collar of his shirt.

"Ah, yes," Sean replied, as though remembering. He batted David's hands away and proceeded to unbutton the shirt himself. When the last button was free he pushed the shirt off David's broad shoulders, leaving him in only a white t-shirt. This followed the other shirt quite quickly.

"Are you listening, Viggo?" Sean called without looking away from David.

A muffled answer was all Viggo could provide.

"Good," Sean grinned, lowering himself to his knees in front of David. He made quick work of the button and zip of David's slacks. He didn't even bother pushing them down, just pulled David's cock out the fly and wrapped his lips around it.

David blew out a harsh breath and placed one hand on Sean's shoulder to steady himself. He buried the other in Sean's soft blond hair. His eyes fell on Viggo's bare skin laid out over the bed and he had to stop himself from thrusting into Sean's mouth. "Bloody hell, that's good," he groaned.

Too abruptly Sean released David's cock and stood up. "I want you to fuck me," Sean growled into the other man's mouth.

"That can be arranged."

Sean flattened himself out on his back next to Viggo. He rolled his head to the side, assessing the other man. "Too bad you're not me right now, hey?"

Viggo could only stare back, his blue eyes dilated so far they almost looked black. Sean could see the desperation and the want in his stare.

David grabbed the lube and a condom out of the drawer. He rolled the condom on and kneeled onto the bed as he lubed his fingers, but before he got to Sean, the Englishman stopped him. "I don't need prep. Just fuck me."

"You sure?" David asked, looking doubtful.

"Positive," Sean replied, taking his knees in each of his broad hands to hold himself open for David. The sight was certainly appealing and made David's cock bob with anticipation. Still looking dubious, he leaned over Sean and pressed his cock against the opening to the other man's body.

Viggo could only moan and whimper at the sounds Sean was making next to him as David took him roughly. He was held only by his own will, but it didn't stop the aching need in his bound cock. He wiggled his body as much as he could in his position, but David's firm hand on his back stilled him. "Easy, mate," he ground out as he thrust into Sean's willing body.

"You were told not to move," Sean added, rolling his head to the side. He met Viggo's eyes steadily, his own lidded with pleasure. Viggo's top lip slid away from his teeth and Sean barked out a laugh. "Get angry. It's not going to help you; you had your opportunity."

David sat back on his heels, dragging Sean's hips with him. "Fuck yes, right there." He held Sean's body steady as he pumped into him. Their attention was focused mostly on Viggo, however, watching for his reaction to the forbidden coupling next to him. He fidgeted as much as he thought he could get away with, but he seemed determined to stay in his position.

"I'm getting close," David panted. He struggled to even out his thrusts to keep himself from cumming.

"Don't cum in me." Sean tapped David's thigh insistently. "On him," he said, jerking his chin towards Viggo.

Using all his restraint, David pulled out of Sean's body. He took his cock in hand, fisting it quickly and roughly. He came in several jets across Viggo's back with a snarl through clenched teeth.

Sean, who dropped one hand to his erection, rolled over onto his knees and held his cock inches from Viggo's face. "You're mine. Don't you fucking forget it." He made no more sound than a soft grunt and painted Viggo's face in pearly streaks.

"Are you going to let him cum?" David asked, drawing a hand lazily through his own release on Viggo's back.

"Not tonight," Sean smirked, staring down at Viggo. "That's your punishment, pet. Next time you'll stay still, hey?"

Viggo's eyes were hard, but the stiffness of his body said that he'd do anything Sean asked to get release.

"Good boy." Sean ruffled his dark hair affectionately. "You can let go, but the cock ring stays on tonight." He reached down to unknot the tie at the back of Viggo's head, letting the spit-soaked silk fall to the bed. He also unsnapped the leather from around Viggo's cock.

Viggo licked his dry lips and rolled over to relieve some of the pressure on his aching cock. It was an angry color, but Sean knew he'd be all right. At the very least, he would learn his lesson.

"Well, I'm a bit peckish," Sean said, standing up and stretching with the cock ring still in his hand. "Dave?"

"I could use a bite."

"Come on, Viggo. Get up and fix us something to eat."

Viggo got off the bed carefully, still painted in cum. Sean would leave him like that, enjoying the sight of Viggo's body marked as he served them. It seemed a pity that he needed to be reminded of his place at times, but if he didn't, it might take all the fun out of the game.

.trick or treat

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