no, really.
There's something wrong with me. I am refusing rest and sleep. I could have gone to bed TWO HOURS ago, but here I am fiddling with my LJ layout (for the nth time), and changing my widget.
I posted me DME (Digital Mixtape Extravaganza) today. It's quite shizzy, with a shizzshizz name. And because I don't know what else to write anymore I shall spread the mixtape love here as well.
The Here Are The Songs I'm Real Into Right Now and I Don't Give A Shit About Making A Good Tracklisting Or Following A Theme Mixtape.
For Luisito Torrealba. By Grace (typicalibra).
1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Totally love this song, the drum intro is a bit of a cross between Sunday and Smokers Outside of Hospital Doors (Editors). Which didn't bother me at all. And the guitar intro is reminiscent of Russ as well.
2. Iron & Wine - Boy With A Coin
Thanks to Good Weather For Airstrikes for posting this song in their latest entry. I feel like some sort of modern-day Spanish lady (say what?) when I hear the opening guitar chords of this song.
3. Wax Tailor - Que Sera
This actually came from Progress' "Groove, Baby" and I am totally addicted to it. In fact, I've begun to appreciate Wax Tailor as a whole.
4. Franz Ferdinand - Auf Auchse
I've been playing my old cds recently and I just remembered how sexy this song is for me.
5. Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day
Not as popular as some of the songs in Illinois. But definitely a good - great - listen.
6. Ratatat - Track 01
This song blanks my mind. Get lost in this track.
download here: I have a long test in Fil tomorrow.
At today's InTact: How to Compute for Your QPI
(which I already knew how to do, because one worry-ful tense night I lay in bed courting sleep that would not come because I was thinking about my grades and how my parents will/might make me quit Babble if I don't do as well as they I have a long test in Fil tomorrow.
At today's InTact: How to Compute for Your QPI
(which I already knew how to do, because one worry-ful tense night I lay in bed courting sleep that would not come because I was thinking about my grades and how my parents will/might make me quit Babble if I don't do as well as they I have a long test in Fil tomorrow.
At today's InTact: How to Compute for Your QPI
(which I already knew how to do, because one worry-ful tense night I lay in bed courting sleep that would not come because I was thinking about my grades and how my parents will/might make me quit Babble if I don't do as well as they I have a long test in Fil tomorrow.
At today's InTact: How to Compute for Your QPI
(which I already knew how to do, because one worry-ful tense night I lay in bed courting sleep that would not come because I was thinking about my grades and how my parents will/might make me quit Babble if I don't do as well as they I have a long test in Fil tomorrow.
At today's InTact: How to Compute for Your QPI
(which I already knew how to do, because one worry-ful tense night I lay in bed courting sleep that would not come because I was thinking about my grades and how my parents will/might make me quit Babble if I don't do as well as they expect demand)
Oh my god I think I might not make it to 3.35.
No, WAIT. Thoughts become things must think positive thoughts must think positive thoughts.
I brought gordy (le laptop) to school today. The Photobooth became a quick craze in le blue babble bench. Lovelyfunnygrossamusing pictures in my
multiply site.
Now I really have nothing more to say.