I drew this the other day; actually the day I joined LJ again. I suppose it's worth posting a couple things up here, since this is a "journal for art-sake". This is a picture done in pen -- a generic ballpoint of some kind. I only had my camera phone on me, so it's a crappy picture, but hey, what can I do? I don't have a scanner of my own, and the nearest one to use is at least 30 minutes away. :P
I wasn't sure what was going on when I drew it. I think I was inspired by Hellebore's art that was just sitting on my screen (she always inspires me, seeing as how her art is the most like what I draw; that and it's beautiful). It took a couple hours, and now that it's done, I'd like to think that's what I'd look like with "fixed" long hair... normally mine is curly and everywhere. When I get it scanned, there will most likely be a better version posted up at my
dA, but until then, have ats ;D.