My sister sent up a late hannukah gift for me, a print of a Magritte painting that
isn't of a pipe. It's awesome! I've got it framed and ready; today I'm going to pick up some nails and hang it. I think the room could really use a picture that isn't of a pipe. Along with it was a postcard of one version of
"The Lovers", which my sister thinks is creepy. I commented that the versions where the lovers are
kissing are probably the creepiest of the lot, to which she agreed.
Friday night was a retro assault game with surprisingly high turn out. It was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping some of the new people stay on to become regulars. One, I know, won't: A visiting fellow game designer. He's working on Civ IV in Maryland. Good luck to him. I got one capture, thanks to Erin's sacrifice, and an assist on another. A flag had been thrown into the jail, which created a situation in which puppy-guarding it became a necessary consequence of it's location. This time, one of the new twins was on duty. I snuck up behind him (well, came from the direction he wasn't looking) to get in to position, then burst out and slid by the guard, knocking the flag out of the jail with a swipe of my hand before I was tagged. Good times.
After the game, there was an IHOP run. Jenny and Sayre even decided to come along. Or rather, I being, their ride, decided to go along, and they decided they didn't want to walk home. Because it's the U-District IHOP, the milk was rancid, and only breakfast fare was available. New waitress, and the old waitress may have been leaving soon, it's hard to say, and I came in a bit late because the persistently exhuberant girl was dancing in front of my car as I tried to park.
Decided that, as a vice peddler, I must occasionally enduldge in vice myself, and went for the chocolate chip pancakes. My tastes are still a bit neotonous, but hell, that's part of the fun. I haven't had a chance to go on my walks much recently, as a result of work. I need to get back in to that, before I lose the progress I've made.
At Fight Night, Cheung informed me that, after several months of Dragonforce, he has come to appreciate mighty Rhapsody as well. He hadn't been to keen on them at the start, but now he's become more used to metal, so he's getting a kick out of it. A lot of fun figuring out the title to "Dargor, Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain." Perfectly good name for a song. Ha. Kyo brought his Wii, so we decided to marathon through the Metal Slug series. Such good games, especially with co-op. Kyo and I took the odd numbered games, swapping with Cheung and Lee for the evens. Ultimately, I bested Kyo for score in two of the three we played, and wasn't too far behind in the last. We decided the merrit of the individual games by their sound designer. Those that had Hiya! for a designer were better than those that didn't. Kyo's going to be picking up a Wii for me this week, so good times will soon be at hand.
Don't really have any plans for tonight. Neither do the roommates. They have some ideas, and I may tag along. In any event, happy new years to all!