.the mundane;
» Name: RM
» Journal:
robot_mule » Contact: Already on file.
.the myth;
» God(dess): Phaethon
» Reference: 1.
http://www.theoi.com/Titan/Phaethon.html 2.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phaëton » Family: {mother & father} Clymene and Helios {spouse} N/A
» Played By: Jackson Brundage
» Human Alias: Jair Solberg (Get it? Once again proving that the apartment manager has a questionable sense of humor.)
» Human Age: 7.
» God of...:N/a
» Flair: Phaethon, as the son of fame and infamy, instantly recognizes and knows the basics about anyone even remotely famous. This can be useful ‘Oh, you’re Achilles!’ and this can be dull ‘Oh you’re Justin Bieber!’. He’s also a pretty good luck charm for seekers of fame; doing something with him around means you’re five times as likely to be caught on camera for the world to see.
» Flair Type:Both are Continuous.
» Fitting in: Grade School. You do what you gotta do.
» Weakness: Well he’s a kid. There are weaknesses built into the description. He’s pretty much stuck depending on the adults around him. Phaethon’s smaller than he ought to be but he thinks he’ll have a growth spurt real soon! Honest! Please don’t call him shrimp.
Phaethon has an active imagination and a fondness for adventure, but that same imagination will often get him into trouble. He might get so wrapped up in one of his fantasies that he forgets the world around him. He’ll over flow the toilet and not understand why everybody is so upset. He was only preventing toilet snakes! Or burn himself on the stove because he was pretending to be invulnerable. He only took the keys so he could drive the car off into the sunset. Phaethon does know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. He just doesn’t care when the fantasy is so much cooler.
He’s also very shy around men, being raised by your Mom and seven older sisters can do that to you. He’ll do his best to fake knowledge of what he considers to be ‘guy stuff’. And fail. Fail so hard. Someone who likes cars so much shouldn’t be able to fail as hard as he does. And yet.
» History: Okay. So once there was this god Helios and this nymph Clymene (Klymene). And when a mass of incandescent gas loves the personification of fame and infamy very very well they hug and kiss and all this other gross stuff to make seven baby Heliad Nymphs. The important part of this story, not to say the girls and the parents were unimportant, is the eighth kid they made. One more son for the sun. Phaethon.
So Helios went off to do his thing and little Phaethon grew up learning about how awesome his Dad was. Being the spirit of fame and infamy meant it was pretty much your job to brag about how awesome your ex-boyfriend was. Forever. And at the time we’re pulling him from Phaethon is a tiny and that is still an acceptable answer. But when he gets to be a teenager Phaethon goes off to get some proof.
So he finds his father and one assumes there is bonding and hugging. One wonders if there was drinking. Helios promises his son anything he could possibly want now that they’re together again. Phaethon decides he wants to drive the chariot of the sun, which is crazy dangerous, and Helios, unable to break his promise, handed over the reigns. And then there was this thing with Zeus throwing a thunderbolt to stop him from burning up the world and his sisters turning into trees-
But for now? Phaethon is just a kid with seven sisters who adore him and a good life ahead of him.
He also takes credit for making Africa so hot and awesome! Ha!
» Personality: Adventurous and imaginative Phaethon is always exploring new things and wondering about new places. Dinosaurs, race cars, and comic books are all going to be the coolest things ever once he finds out what they are. He’s the kid that teachers dread and adore all at once: with so many ideas and creativity bursting though his brain like tiny explosions that have to be put into action right now. Yes now. You try having a long attention span when you’re seven. Phaethon never manages to pay attention but still brightens up the room with his cheerful nature and natural exuberance for life.
Did I mention seven older sisters yet? Seven older sisters mean you’re loved on all the time, and used to being adored. Phaethon needs lots and lots of hugs to make up for it. It also means that he will let people boss and toss him around with little complaint. He expects them to see him as a lovable practice makeup canvas or an annoying nuisance as the case may be. Phaethon just sticks around anyway for optimal attention.
Maybe this is why Phaethon is very much a lover and not a fighter, as he will happily and solemnly inform you next time the school bully beats his face in. Which will happen quite a lot, such is the curse of weird boys who don’t care about sports or socializing with his peers. Phaethon can get a long with girls his own age, odd girls anyway, but the rest mystify him. He’s too off in his own world to understand. Adults are generally more receptive to his quirks, so he has learned to reach out more for them.
Phaethon is pretty sure there are monsters haunting the complex. Real monsters, not the human ones. Nothing will convince him otherwise.
» Sample Journal:
No way. This is not okay you guys. Need to let me go home right now. My sisters are going to get really really upset. There are seven of them. They can beat you up and-
It will be all Biff! Bam! Pow! Zap! And- And-
I don’t wanna be here. I wanna go home.
Where am I supposed to go?
» Sample Roleplay: Jenna stared at him, stomping her foot. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t mean to!” Phaethon didn’t see why she was screaming. He was the one about to be sent to his room. For about forever. Maybe even an hour. He was in so much trouble.
It didn’t happen a lot. When his sisters were in a good mood they told him that it was because he was a good little kid, but when they were in a bad mood they told him the truth. It was only because he was very, very good at getting out of trouble. Phaethon didn't really know how he did it, but he hardly ever had to try. Except online when the grown ups couldn’t see him properly to tell how untroubled he was supposed to be. Usually trouble just melted away like the chocolate surprises that the man in the white, musical truck brought around every Friday afternoon. Before the complex, he'd never seen anything like it; there were a lot of things here that he'd never seen before. Where Phaethon was from, he told the other kids he met, they didn’t even have cars; let alone cars that brought ice cream.
Except this car wouldn’t bring ice cream ever even again. Because he’d crashed it into a big ditch on the other side of the road. He’d only wanted to sit in the drivers seat and maybe play with the keys a little when the Ice cream man went away. Jenna had double dog dared him to touch the thing in the middle that made the car move. It wasn’t his fault it had moved down the hill.
“It’s just not fair,” he turned to look at her again, instead of the car and the short life flashing before his eyes. What a waste. He hadn’t even seen a dinosaur yet. “You made me! You said nothing bad would happen!”
Jenna shook her head and began to giggle. “Yeah, my mommy told me that all boys are dumb and some of them are gullible. That’s how she got all her jewelry. So I thought I’d let you know that you were one of the gullible ones.”
So Phaethon kissed her and gave her cooties.
Now he was in trouble and he had a big black eye. But it didn’t seem as bad as before. Phaethon climbed up in to the back of the ice cream truck and treated himself while he waited for the grown ups to come.
He didn't have to wait very long.