The end is almost near...

Dec 14, 2005 15:48

I am proud of myself. As much as I thought I truly needed one of my friend's adderol pills yesterday to get me through studying, I refrained. I know that taking one definitely would have kept me more focused, but I guess I needed to prove to myself that I don't need drugs to do well in school, lol. Instead, I consumed two double tall non fat caramel macchiatos, one double tall non fat lattè, two shots of just plain espresso and a 20 oz. bottle of coca cola. Real healthy, n'est-ce pas? All of that eventually kicked in around 8 last night and so I was finally able to really get some good studying in between the hours of 9 and 2 this morning.

My hardcore studying totally paid off, too, because I totally kicked ass on my philosophy final this morning. Granted it was an open-notes/open-book exam, but that didn't really matter much anyway. I think that's exactly why my professor set it up the way he did. Because he knows that despite the fact that we are allowed to use notes, we either understand this semester's concepts or we don't. And I am very happy to report that, FINALLY (even after having taken THREE classes with Erickson that addressed the topic), I completely understand what is meant by existentialism. Although the class was quite challenging at times, I am indeed very glad that I decided to take a 300-level philosophy class. I definitely learned a lot and it no doubt goes hand-in-hand with French and French literature. And after coming out of this class, I have a newfound love for Sartre (I really think this guy rocks!), and am toying with the idea of using him as the topic for a (?) thesis paper that I may write in the next year or two.

How sad is it that I am already thinking about possible thesis paper topics? I definitely get way too ahead of myself. However... another thought I've had lately is learning a lot more about French cinema. I feel like I should know all there is to know about the history of cinema, though, seeing as how I practically read the entire text book last night while studying for my exam. The different movements--surrealism, impressionism, poetic realism, etc.--really are fascinating, and I would love to learn more. I'm considering going in together with Dave next year and buying a Netflix subscription. That way, I can watch almost any foreign film my little heart desires. I've already browsed their selection online, and they really do have EVERYTHING. I can't wait!

I'm a little bit sad today, as I realize that my French career here at UK is almost over. I didn't love every professor, that's for sure, but the truly great ones are people who have touched my life in a way that I'll never forget. They have become role models for who I want to become as a teacher/professor one day, and it's sad to know that I'll never have another class with them. I suppose I can keep in touch, but that's not quite the same. I will also *definitely* miss not having a class with Peters. I know I said at the beginning of the semester that I thought he looked better/sexier with his long ponytail and clean shaven face, but, alas, I have changed my mind. Short black hair...dark mysterious eyes...and that little bit of facial hair. Oh là là. I'm going to say it maybe this one last time and then let it drop, but Dr. Peters is soooooooooooo freaking hot!! Hot and intelligent with a good sense of humor. His wife is one lucky lady. Thank you. That is all.

Gonna go celebrate a great day and color my hair (red!)!! I just hope I don't somehow screw it all up. I wanna look hot, damnit!