silencescreams challenges sonoflaw to display their depth.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch silencescreams fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch sonoflaw fightsonoflaw sinks to such depths of depravity silencescreams surrenders utterly disgusted, it's a win but it wasn't nice to watch.silencescreams has been defeated by sonoflawHowever the comotion has awoken silencescreams's parent hyujinhyujin challenges sonoflaw on their honesty.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch hyujin fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch sonoflaw fightsonoflaw produces a witness, a vicar and a lawyer, it's no contest hyujin can't match that level of honestyhyujin has been defeated by sonoflawHowever the comotion has awoken hyujin's parent remotegoatremotegoat challenges sonoflaw to display their depth.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch remotegoat fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch sonoflaw fightsonoflaw sinks to such depths of depravity remotegoat surrenders utterly disgusted, it's a win but it wasn't nice to watch.CONGRATULATIONS YOU WIN SONOFLAW SCORED: 3/3 (100%)You have defeated all players at this level.Congratulations you have been awarded an ultimate fighter level of 3Future games will be harder I'm afraid!
More Fighting Cards...still haven't figured them out yet...