I've played several games at
Origins. I'll list and rate them appropriately.
5 excellent
4 very good
3 good
2 needs a second play
1 I want my two hours back!
Whad' Ya Know? 3.5 I was a semi-finalist
and won a gif certificate. yay!
Catan Histories: Struggle For Rome 4.5 This installment seems to fix
the issues with the other Catan
games; i.e, annoying trading
and building issues.
Pillars of the Earth 4.5 This game is all about planning
and timing; two things I'm not
too good at.
Pirate's Cove 4 Everyone, repeat after me the
Pirate Alphabet....
Bang! Dodge City 5 This is a fast-paced Sergio Leone
style Mexican Standoff Shootout
card game. Enough said.
Streetcar 2.5 1 HORRIBLE instructor + 3
whiney little girls as fellow players
= 10 Misery!! Second play necessary.
Venus Needs Men! 5 This is one of my top ten favorite
board games of all times! 1950's
sci-fi cheese + board gaming strategy
+ a little bit of role-playing.
Go, Plutonians!
Hey! That's My Fish! 4 Words cannot express. Just
play and behold.
Apples to Apples 3.5 I was a finalist in the Adult
Apples to Apples Tournament
Hell Rail 4 You are a train conductor bringing
souls to the various Circles of Hell.
Fast-paced + slightly frustrations =
a fine gaming experience. And yes,
at times you must feed Cerebus!
Redneck Life 1 I was a fool to think this game
was something else.
And I hope to play before this Con is over...
Colosseum Conquest of Pangea Justinian Emira Hera & Zeus Peace Out....