The Sun Also Rises--fun with bad metaphors

Feb 09, 2005 06:29

In about 15 minutes, the sun is going to rise, and I am going to see, between bare branches, the kind of shiny domw that is the Albert Hall to my right, the vulgar copper-tipped phallus of Queen's Tower in the centre, and the pile of dingy scuzz that is Southside Hall to my left. Word.

I've been up for about 5 hours, first to make pancakes, then to do work and listen to music. This is all terribly exciting, the pancakes in particular. I don't believe I've eaten a pancake since the summer, but two of my friends (who have since gone to bed) are respectively Pentecostal and Anglican, and apparently pancakes are how one marks the start of Lent. Comments in other posts contain my religious attitudes, but for a pancake the work is worth it.
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