Dec 12, 2004 18:36
[Name]: Mark Fearghus Hagen
[Age]: 17
[Gender]: male
[Birthday]: 3 November 1987
[Nationality]: American, of mostly Irish and German descent.
[Hair colour]: Brown
[Hair style]: Near-mullet
[Eye colour]: Blue
[Skin colour]: White
[Height]: 5'9
[Weight]: 130
[Piercings]: None
[Usually Wears]: The sketchy. Shoes.
[Positive personality traits]: I don't take most things very seriously.
[Non-positive personality traits]: Cynical.
[Likes]: Music. Thinking about things.
[Dislikes]: Posturing. Narrow-mindedness.
[Fears]: Not a lot. 'Insecurities' might inspire more comment.
.Family Life.
[Lives with]: Myself.
[Sibling(s)]: Greta and Zoe
[Pet(s)]: Pluto, a cat.
[Relationship with family]: Not bad, really. I get along reasonably well with my parents.
.::a dream is a wish your heart makes::.
[Your initials spell out]: emm eff aitch
[Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?]: No
[Do you eat Goldfish?]: Not for a year or so; I'm not a fan.
[Your favorite birthday memory]: The most recent was weird. IIRC my 5th birthday was cool.
[Moment you're most ashamed of]: Dunno really.
Fill in the blanks, mofo.
[Pirates are]: Surely 'pirates arrrrrrrr'?
[Don't be fooled by]: I'm pretty straightforward really. The accent?
[I'm too sexy for my]: Glasses.
[Courtney Love is]: Not someone on whom it is my place to pass judgement.
[I'd like another]: I'll go with Patrick and say cup of tea.
[I don't understand]: Most things.
[Where have all the good people]:
[Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.]: Dude for consistency.
[Girls are]: someone's fantastic idea.
[Boys are]: not the people with the above fantastic idea.
[Only the _______ survive]: survivors
[Can I get a booyah?]: No.
[Name?]: See above
[Age?]: Do you want this in different units or something?
[Location?]: London
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: No.
[Whats his/her name?]: I don't have a girlfriend called "No"; instead, this question should start with "If so,".
[Whats one word you could think of to describe them?]: Nonexistent.
[Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?]: They really should have structured this section differently.
[If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?]: Not actively in pursuit of anything, but open.
Fav movie?]: Adaptation or The Big Lebowski
[Fav person you know?]: None really. I like different people for different reasons that are incompatible with a strict ordering.
[Fav food and drink?]: No favorite food really. Tea or Bailey's or Stella according to the occasion.
[Fav shirt you own?]: It's black and slightly tight and quite warm.
[Fav place you've been to?]: Dunno really. London is a cool place, but again different reasons for different places.
[Fav colors?]: Black. White. Red.
[Fav place to be?]: Replace 'people' with 'places' and go up a bit.
[Fav store?]: There's a bookstore in South Kensington I like. The only thing I've bought there is some athiest pride rant by Richard Dawkins, but I do like a browse.
[Fav tv show?]: I don't really watch TV.
[Fav song?]: 'If She Wants Me' by Belle and Sebastian or the 6th Brandenberg Concerto by Bach. This changes frequently.
[Pepsi or coke?]: Coke.
[Chocolate or vanilla?]: Vanilla
[Internet or phone?]: Internet
[McDonalds or Burger King?]: Nasty.
[Eminem or 50 cent?]: I don't like the genre as a whole, but Eminem hands down.
[Make up or no make up?]: None.
[Cat or dog?]: Cat
[Spanish or French?]: French
[Lights on or lights off?]: Off.
[Hungry or full?]: Somewhere in between.
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?]: Hot chocolate.
.Are you:.
[Suicidal?]: No.
[Stubborn?]: When I'm certain I'm right. (Ie, when I'm right about being right. Like when I know I'm right about being right about being right. This is why stubbornness is a bad policy.)
[Open-minded?]: Generally speaking, yes, but also very skeptical.
[Arrogant?]: I try quite hard not to be, because it's a pointless characteristic.
[Patient?]: I have situational patience.
[Hyper?]: Very rarley, which makes it quite funny.
[Nice?]: Reasonably and to most people.
[Happy?]: Not by default, but not generally unhappy either.
[Depressed?]: Not chronically.
.With the opposite sex.
[Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?]: Brown.
[Hair color?]: Black.
[Curly or straight?]: Medium.
[Tall or short?]: Shortish.
[Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?]: I already answered this. This is becoming a pattern in this survey.
[Pale tan or in the middle?]: Not an issue really.
Would you?
[Shave your head for $1000?]: Of course.
[Eat a bug?]: Is this for $1000 as well?
[Be on fear factor?]: No.
[Kill yourself?]: Not under ordinary circumstances and obviously not for $1000.
[Cut yourself if you were depressed?]: No. I don't like pain.
[Turn goth?]: What does this mean exactly? For some reward, I'd probably dress like one, but does turning goth entail some basic change in outlook?
[Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?]: Sure.
.Your friends.
[Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?]: This depends on the context, and where I'm living. Cat maybe. I've also discussed things with Caroline that I wouldn't with other people.
[Who's your best friend of the same sex?]: Kurtz. Cat. Shniques. Jones. For different reasons.
[Who's your best friend of the opposite sex?]: Again all for diffeent reasons. Caroline or Claudia at home. Here, Hazar was incredibly nice (tolerant?) that time I was quite depressed and consequently unbearably trashed. See 'favorite birthday memory'.
.Hobbies and stuff.
[What grade are you in?]: Freshman.
[What kind of grades do you make?]: Vastly better here than in high school.
[Do you like school?]: I do, again immeasurably better than high school.
[Are you involved in any sports?]: I used to be an obsessive biker. I've gone for the occasional run in Hyde Park. Does long-distance walking count?
[Whats your favorite subject?]: Analysis is good.
[Whats your least?]: My programming class sort of sucked.
[Do you have alot of friends?]: A few, but generally close.
[What type of people do you hang out with?]: Ones I like.
[Do you make friends easily?]: I'm on a 'hello' basis with a lot of people.
[Are you outgoing or shy?]: Rather shy, but not cripplingly so.
[Do people find you funny?]: Some do.
[Do you have a positive out look on life?]: IT's not really an issue.
[Do you like to listen to what people say?]: If it's of any interest at all, then certainly.
[Sport]: Dunno. Curling?
[Car]: I haven't got one.
[Clothing]: None really, if this is clothing I own that I like on myself.
[Shoes]: Erm, ditto.
[Book]: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". "Goedel, Escher, Bach". "The Fountainhead". "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe".
.Opposite Sex.
[What do you look for in a relationship?]: Someone energetic.
[Looks or Personality?]: Jones said this one well.
[Does it matter that he/she is a different race?]: Not at all.
.Goals in life.
[What do you plan on doing for employment later in life?]: Dunno really. I'll probably go to grad school when I'm done here and put off the decision.
[Do you want to get married?]: I had a pretty funny example set for me on this one. I think so, but late.
[Have kids?]: Not especially. I don't think I'd be an especially good father.
[If so, how many kids?]: Maybe one.
[What do you want to name your kids?]: Well, Wulfgar. But I think the person actually having the kids would have some veto power there, and probably exercise it. I don't think I'd marry anyone who'd allow me to name my kid 'Wulfgar'.
[If you dont want kids why not?]: See above.
[Do you plan on going to college?]: I'm at college, as planned.