1) List your main pups. Or all of your pups. And potential pups. Whatever, have fun.
2) Take a look at the
Kinsey scale.
3) List and explain an area on the scale for that given character, giving specific examples if you'd like, or multiple numbers based on your rationalizations.
4) Know your pup just a little better, or help others get to know him/her.
Caitlin (
a_chaitlin): 3.5 in attraction, slightly higher in overall experience. Cait was fortunate to have bigger brother Rory paving the way in her family where bisexuality was concerned. Of course growing up in Catholic Ireland meant she was always careful to keep her degree of interest in women a well-guarded secret, and she's still not likely to make much noise on the subject. As much as she likes men, she's dealt with several whose main interest in her lay in the challenge, the desire to tame her very independent nature. She reacts to this about as well as you might expect and finds women a bit more sympathetic as a result. This may explain why the men she's attracted to these days usually have something of the feminine about them. (O HAI THAR ROBIN.)
Bill (
admiral_adama): 0 in experience, very close to that in attraction. Canon William Adama is as close to 0 as makes no never-mind. He might possibly have been attracted to another man at one point or another in his life, but he would consider that to be absolutely no one's business but his own. These days he's exclusively Laura-sexual anyway.
Caroline (
c_for_caroline): About 0.5 in experience, ??? in attraction. Caroline Todd has only ever had sex with men and would no doubt identify as heterosexual. Given the number of times she kissed or was kissed by women in canon, however, one has to wonder if Sue White wasn't on to something ...
Monty (
di_monty_pippin): 2 in both experience and attraction. Oh geez, Monty. Try imagining Kinsey's face were he confronted with a journal of DI Pippin's sexual exploits. Go on, I dare you. Monty absolutely adores women; they're soft and sweet and curvy and smell amazing. He also adores variety, and has no qualms whatsoever about indulging a craving for something a little rougher and fiercer. And as he would put it, "Boarding school. You know."
Rory (
fey_fire): 3 in both experience and attraction. Bisexual serial monogamy interspersed with occasional more casual lovers probably best describes the middle MacEibhir boy's sex life in the past decade or so. Before that he was experimental as all get out and an outrageous flirt, though he did try to make sure that not too much got back to his mother. (He wasn't at all apologetic if something did, though.) Certain parts of his past attitudes may see a resurgence now that the woman he loves has left him ... especially given the environment he's entering.
Tadhg (
gifted_hands): 0 in experience, probably 1 to 1.5 in attraction. Tadhg can and does appreciate the aesthetics of both genders, and he's certainly not the type to completely rule out sex with another man. Still, he's only ever had the sexings with women. If you ask him why, he will probably go into a lengthy dissertation on the compelling nature and erotic attractions of the particular energy patterns permeating a body designed to give birth to new life. You are to be forgiven any glazed eyes or WTF expressions if this happens.
Kia (
kia_holtz): Roughly 1.5 in both experience and attraction. Kia came of age smack in the middle of women's liberation and the sexual revolution. She has fought (and likely will continue to fight) many a battle over people's rights to be who they are in all ways, and has no issues dealing with homosexual impulses in others or in herself. That said, her primary attraction has always been to men. (The above details come from the Earth-based, modern-day version of Kia I'm working up. My original BSG 03 Kia has the same number, but a different background.)
Ruairi (
sonofgranite): 2.5 in overall experience and attraction, currently 0 in a monogamous relationship. Well. Let's just say that 1600+ years gives one considerable time for all sorts of experience, and the fey have rarely been inclined to limit themselves where their pleasures are concerned. OTOH, his parents' centuries-long and very stable marriage (rare for their kind) has made a deep impression on him, leading him to want that kind of connection for himself. Thus he sought out and married Maire, and thus he quite happily settled into monogamy with Abby.
Anrai (
thehorseman): 0 in experience, maaaaybe 0.5 in attraction. Unlike your average Catholic, Anrai is puca and does not consider homosexuality a sin (which is a very good thing considering the makeup of his family). He is also his mother's son, however, and has never shown any interest in considering such possibilities for himself. Of course he's now half of a solidly committed marriage, so such possibilities are even further off the table.