Jun 13, 2004 19:01
So, I just got off work. Here is what I did all day. Teach a new girl how to prep the food, take 8 runs, and play chess. Yup, thats it. and I got paid 50 + tips to do it all, too. Papa John's is the greatest. The weekend was pretty eventfull. Chilled at a friends house and saw Chronicles of Riddick, and despite a few corny parts, it was worth the 7 bux a head to see it.
On the home front everything is the same. The computer has a new virus tho, so it has to get fixed on tuesday. Seems my family just can't resist downloading email attachments before scanning them. And don't get me started on Bonzai Buddy, the fuckin purple ape that runs around the screen giving me deals on viagra and breast implants. So, I am on mine computer now, hopefully with my next paycheck I'll get wifi so I don't have to worry about the other PC going down every other week.
Piss off.