Cover Us application

Nov 29, 2003 00:34


_Post a CD cover..

i saw this cover in a magazine and i liked it.

_No photos of yourself. But we would like for you to post an MS Paint picture of how you see yourself.

be mesmirized

i saw a butter pen... but it didnt load right :(

_Fill out this questionare:
_[01] do you like to danse, if not explain your reasoning:

Dancing is great although i cannot keep up with Andrew.

_[02] list 10 good bands:

What makes a good band? Popularity? I'd have to say not really. Here i go anyway.
Pop: The Beatles
Indie-Rock: I really like My Morning Jacket
Emo: Breaking Pangea
Hardcore: Cursive
Ska: Reel Big Fish or The Specials
New-Wave: Journey
Hip-hop: The Corals or Outkast
Wierdest Lyrics: The Avalanches or Q and Not U
thats 11...

_[03] are you indie?:

It tries to be.

_[3 1/2] do you want to be indie?:

YOu Cant want to be indie... you either are or you arent. ITS NOT A CLUB THAT YOU JOIN AHAKHJD!!@!

_[3 3/4] do you have mad indie cred y0?:

YOu should see my shirts.

_[04] random song lyric:

Random? ok...
Red Kites Red kites.... Pink on the Surface now.

_[05] are you married?:

Well im 14 so of course.

_[06] how did you spend your week?

Sitting by the computer or tv like a mindless drone.
Wake... School... Eat... Sleep... repeat
Turkey DAy on Thurs.

_[07] where do you live (no lies..):

The US of A..... In Voorhees NJ

_[08] describe yourself some more to prove you are worthy of this wonderful community

I have a shaggy head of hair and a wonderful body. An ass soo comfy that i enjoy sitting on it whenever i can. Guitars and other instruments are fun. Girls should treat me nicer.

_[09] what do you consider bad music?:

New Country. New Misfits. JA Rule.

_[10] do you play an instrument?:

I've played the sax and the flute-o-phone
I figured i'd stick to guitar.

_[11] do you use the word electroclash?:

No, and im sorry.

_[12] do you like guacomoli popcorn?:

Hmm... bet it would hurt when i pooped it out... so no.

_[13] what other livejournal community's are you in or have been in?:


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