A final rant for the evening

Mar 04, 2010 00:23

So it will come to pass that Obama is going to give the GOP a big steaming mug of Fuck You and ram through the health care bill. Of course, the GOP is screaming bloody murder, totally ignoring the fact that when they were the party in charge, they rammed shit through as well, and what they rammed through didn't benefit people anywhere near what this health care bill does.

We've all heard the scare tactics "socialized medicine", "death panels", blah blah blah and seen the props- the stack of papers that makes up the bill. Man, I had to laugh when Obama called the GOP out on that one for the cheap sensationalistic tactic it was.

The simple fact of the matter is that the health care system in this country is fucked beyond belief. We are the only industrialized country where getting sick or being the victim of an accident can destroy you financially. The GOP is PROUD of this and thinks the system is just fine as is, when the truth is, as a nation, we should be fucking embarrassed and ashamed. We are the richest goddamn country on earth and spend 10 times more on our military than any other country, yet we say we can't afford to take care of our citizens who are sick?

And the GOP totally ignores that in many ways, we already do pay to treat uninsured people, and we pay in the most expensive way possible. Rather than people being covered by insurance and seeing general practitioners, many uninsured people go to the ER for treatment and ultimately, hospitals pass these costs on to everyone else who pays.

But the GOP is too fucking retarded to understand even this basic fact about our health care system, yet Obama tried to reason with them.

That's not to say the GOP hasn't made a few good points. The malpractice situation is off the hook, yet the GOP wants to exercise the "nuclear option" there, rather than try to find a reasonable compromise. It's very true that there are lazy shiftless fucks looking to strike it rich off the system, and those who are guilty of insurance fraud should be beaten like egg-sucking dogs and forced to do infinity +1 hours of community service in terminal cancer wards for children just so they can see what real pain and suffering is.

But overall, the GOP has just dragged its heels and shilling for the poor insurance companies, for whom I have very little love. When you have to fight them to get the brand name medication, rather than a cheap knock-off generic that causes suicidal thoughts and psychotic breakdowns, there's something fucked with the system. But unlike doctors, who have to take a Hippocratic Oath committing them to what is best for the patient, HMOs and insurance companies are more concerned with the bottom line.

I am lucky. Living here in MA, I am covered by a health insurance policy through the state that is amazing, and now Alisa is covered by the same policy as well. Lina, as an adult conditional resident alien, has a lesser policy, but it is still far better than the health policy I had the last time I had insurance through an employer and costs us nothing.

You read that correctly- nothing. Which is why I am leery about moving out of state. To get comparable coverage through an insurance company will cost us probably between $1000 and $1500/month. That's an additional $12000-$18000 a year out of our pockets.


So am I a fan of ObamaCare? You bet your ass I am. And any of the 30,000,000 who don't have coverage now should be as well. Anyone who has a pre-existing condition should be a fan. And anyone who doesn't have rock-solid employment should be too, because they're just a pink slip away from not only losing their income, but then having to additionally shell out a ton of cash each month or play Russian roulette with their health and the health of their family.
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