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alexis_sd June 29 2014, 08:23:46 UTC
This was probably one of the best explorations of the train-wreck-in-the-making kind of love that keeps Sam and Dean so tangled in each other in the show and that has lead to such a strong ship among the fandom. I love the almost vivid and painful realism you chose for your story. I also love how you make no apologies for either of them. They know that what draws them to each other is seen as wrong by society, they know that they hurt each other along the way, because of their almost obsessive and possessive love for each other and in the end Sam has little choice but put his options on a proverbial scale and figure out what is more important to him - perceived normality without Dean and constant ache of not being with the person he loves even when he is put off by his choices or make it so their love doesn't bring too much suffering to more innocent victims. And I like it that you didn't fear to openly mention that a child born of close relatives is a ticking genetic bomb.

I love as well how you didn't go the easy way, use supernatural power to render Sam sterile or rid him of his current pregnancy. And oh, God, how much I love it that you didn't make this story about the pro-life vs pro-choice drama that seems to be so prominent in the show's homeland. Being agnostic and firmly on the side of science I don't get that crap, not to mention that I live in a country where my body is mine and no one tells me what to do with it makes the whole she-bang even less comprehensible to me.

So in the end, I'd like to say that I loved your story and how you ended it. I strongly appreciate that you didn't sugarcoat anything and that the end was befitting the story. This was a great piece of work on your part. Thank for sharing.


sonofabiscuit77 July 6 2014, 13:46:07 UTC
the train-wreck-in-the-making kind of love that keeps Sam and Dean so tangled in each other in the show and that has lead to such a strong ship among the fandom.

Yes, this so much! I can't ever imagine becoming bored by Sam & Dean and the wincest ship, it's just so epic and wrong and I love that about it.

The abortion question was never a question for me, like you say, this wasn't really about that at all, but about how the boys could attempt to go about fixing their relationship and about Sam's choices. I was disappointed by the show not really dealing with the fallout of the angel possession and I wanted to work out for myself why it was that Sam hadn't actually left, (apart from the fact Jared has a contract, natch) and a "realistic" wincest mpreg is something I've always wanted to write. So yeah, enough blather from me and thank you for reading and leaving such a thoughtful comment.


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