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Comments 13

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sonofabiscuit77 August 1 2011, 15:55:47 UTC
I do have a pdf, but the story is unfinished. I'm happy to email you it.


anonymous October 24 2011, 23:41:21 UTC
Hey you!

I don't normally do this, and I really don't want to hassle you - I was just wondering if you are planning on continuing this story? It's my absolute favourite :)


sonofabiscuit77 October 26 2011, 17:51:13 UTC
Hi, yes, I am. I'm working on my reverse bigbang at the moment but once that's done, I will go back to this!


lexii314 January 16 2012, 16:15:54 UTC
Is there any way to get this story on pdf? I know it's not completed. It would just be easier to read from Eereader tablet. Or if you wouldn't mind sending it in some type of file form?
Thank you.


sonofabiscuit77 January 16 2012, 22:03:17 UTC
I do actually have this as a pdf but only up to chapter 25, I don't have the latest one included. I'm happy to email it to you.


masja_17 May 14 2012, 18:44:21 UTC
is this still a wip? or are you done? i like to read a long story in one go! :)



sonofabiscuit77 May 29 2012, 19:11:07 UTC
Hi, yep, this is still a wip. It's not finished yet, but I definitely do intend to finish it. I've got quite a bit written of the next chapter, it's just with bigbang and various other challenges, I haven't had proper time to work on it.


masja_17 May 31 2012, 05:34:08 UTC
Friending you so I can keep track of this!



simonejester May 29 2012, 01:34:43 UTC
If you upload your fics to AO3, readers can download PDFs that way. Also EPUB and a few other formats. :)


sonofabiscuit77 May 29 2012, 19:12:31 UTC
Actually I have a few of my fics on AO3 already as I do like the downloading ability on that site. I don't want to post this one until it's finished though so that might be a long time before it's up there, considering how slowly I'm writing this!


simonejester May 30 2012, 02:06:45 UTC
Understandable. :)


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