Apr 10, 2004 19:48
ok so yesterday first priority being the good people that they are decided to give out free candy...yes free candy, and by FREE i mean candy hidden in eggs that are hard to find and when you do find them its because you spoted one out in the open and of course the second you spot it someone else has spoted it and THEN all hall breaks loose as you eye the opposing candy grubimg lard ass, of course you stand there looking at eachother with blood in your eyes until at least 5 people realize whats going on THEN as you realize its no longer you and an easter egg anymore. its you and 5 other people that truly believe deep within their soul that they are the only person entitled to the candy held within. now the stage is set and each individuals mouth is watering in anticipation. all at once everyone runs, those unfortunate enough to fall are trampled now with the pansys out of the race its just you and a few others in an all out to the death egg match the loser goes to hell and the winner gets to lick his candy coverd fingers
...or thats how i imagined it would be, really i suck at spoting things even when they are hidden right in front of me, so needless to say i found NO eggs. BUt through the day i did gather some empty ones from some victorious candy grabbers and proceeded to juggle them. then in fourth period as i juggled my 3 candyless eggs my teacher (ms. day....that bitch) goes "wow, can you juggle four?!?!" and im all like "yeah but im not a fucking trained monkey you souless bitch...and i only have 3 eggs" then the most amazing thing happend, she reached into her desk and from out that desk she pulled an egg but not just any egg, an egg with CANDY in it! so i ate my candy and procedded in making a monkey out of myself, and that my friends is the story of how i sacrificed my dignity for a piece of CANDY
so anyways as most of you know it was a half day so i got a ride home then after i got home someone was angry at me for going home so i had to go to her home then be forced to go sit in the sun surrounded by pollen, mounds of ants, and vegetarians. i then ate a boca burger, have you ever ate a boca burger? thats good to hear, if you get the opportunity to try one...DONT. basically a boca burger is a burger thats not really a burger at all, its like tofu or some other homosexual animal substitute. they said it tasted like a burger...but it really tastes more like a hot dog, and you know what else? you know the amount of crap that comes out of your ass after eating at taco bell? yeah well, a boca burger does worse to you than taco bell, i mean like WHOA, put a warning lable or something
so then i walked a few hours back home, got home around 8ish and of course tired by the days events i passed out
then i had a dream about a boca burger destroying the rainforest then taking over the world then creating a world wide communistic stalinist empire...which is fucked up because thats my life ambition and if a boca burger does it before me i will be WAY pissed man, probably pissed enough to eat the little fucker...despite the horrible taste and impending hours of discompfort in my bathroom
so today i looked out my window and noticed that the apocolypse is on its way
that noted, later guys
what doesnt kill us makes us stronger
and what kills us brings us closer to god!