Dec 09, 2004 13:57
i loathe basketball. dread the sight of my teammates and i know it's horrible to say but i really don't feel it anymore. everyone is so absorbed in their "greatness" that they don't even have time for fun...i don't know what to do. should i lie to myself by staying? or should i quit get another job and spend my days lying in my room thinking i made a mistake? it doesn't help that i don't have megan either. i mean i dont want to put a guilt trip on her but i miss her dearly, i don't think she really cares but i am not by any means mad at her,in fact her decision to quit ade me respect ad love her even more, because she followed her heart, the heart of a lion<3
CONGRATS are in order for the following:
Esra Cinar and Megan Lake for their acceptance to Rutgers University
one love bitchesss