omg i'm writing again!

Sep 12, 2011 18:21


“Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” they say.
Of course, I say. Of course,
And distance closes in around my heart like a fraying noose:
At any point I could pull, rip, tear at the thing and free myself of its grasp,
It’s an old rope, you fool. It could snap anyway, so why bother?
But I hold off and let destiny choose.
I jump and watch myself fall,
A binary being: the body at the end of the rope,
But also the tree holding the fateful knot:
One anchored and stable, the other slowly careening into a sea of unknowns
As time creeps forward in a slow-motion instant.
The waves of chance lap at my feet as I feel the noose quicken.
It’s not too late to cut the rope, grab on to safer limbs,
I am only my own executioner.

I close my eyes and breathe deep,

“Distance makes the heart grow foolish,” they should have said.
Of course, I say. Of course,
And distance wakes me from a suffocating sleeplessness.
I replay the scene again and again,
Watch myself fall every time,
But never can I rescue myself,
And never can I see how it ends.
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