The new job!

Feb 17, 2009 14:50

So I've made it through the first couple weeks of my new job! So far so good.... Although I can tell you already that this isn't going to be my dream job and the last couple shifts I've actually found myself fairly unimpressed... oh well, such is life. I've already learned the basic stuff, (till, putting out stock etc) and learned opens and closes, I'm doing the bank runs on my own now and yesterday I learned how to receive freight and do the cigarette order. So things are progressing nicely.... I'm sure soon I'll be getting my own set of keys and a code for the alarm system and I should be starting to open/close by myself... not sure I'm ready for an entire weekend there by myself but that won't happen for a while yet.... This coming Sunday I get to spend all day there learning the Sunday procedures.. that's the day all the paperwork needs to be done and faxed to head office etc..... So that's going to be a long day for me, and then Monday I have an actual 8 hour shift. That's going to be quite rough too.... See so far I've only been working 4 or 5 hour shifts (thanks to the lovely budget cut for Feb... which in a way has been great... coming from Zeller's 9 hours a week this way it's more of a gradual work my way up.... ) Although I don't really know if I'm going to be able to handle the full hours... plus when I make Assistant manager they'll be going up again.. to 37 hours a week... It's been a long time since I've worked a full work week so we'll see how my health holds up. If it takes too much of a toll I will have to find something else.... But at least if I end up moving later this year it's not like I'll be leaving behind a job I LOVE! I must note though that this job is way way better than Zeller's, and the environment there is so much better! There is a total of 5 of us on staff and everyone is so nice and everything is so casual and you can actually hang out and chat a bit with customers and such... not such a rush rush mentality which is nice!

So onto other news! Last Wednesday (Feb 11th) I got to see Troy!!! Whoohoo! First time since last November! It was so wonderful to see him again. I actually was beginning to wonder what was going on with us as it had been like a month since we'd spoken.... then Wed I get home from work and am having my nap and the phone rings... it's him and he's apologizing for not calling and that he hadn't forgotten me... some big things were going on in his life and he'd taken the last month off of work (I guess his little guy has been extremely unwell and no one knows what's wrong with him... they recently had him checked for leukemia... eeek how scary) then he asks if I'd like to get dinner... He was in town! So I ran over to the yard to pick him up, we grabbed some Subway and came back here and spent a couple wonderful hours together! It was so nice to spend some time with him again (and kiss him lol) Probably won't be seeing too much of him again until June or so... this trip was a rare thing... He had to take his truck into the shop in Calgary for maintenance so while he was waiting for that they gave him another truck and sent him on a quick trailer switch out this way... Thurs morning he had to be back in Lethbridge with his truck to make a run to SK.... I'm just thankful I got to see him for a little bit... was kind of nice... a couple days before Valentines and his b-day is next weekend so he got his present early!
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