Jan 13, 2012 20:19
If you haven't heard about Super PACs, they are large groups that fund for campaigns and can raise unlimited amounts of money to put up advertisements for campaigns. The catch is this, the person running cannot coordinate in any way with the organization running the ads.
Recently Newt at the final debate in New Hampshire brought out an attack on Romney's Bain record, true or false is not my purpose here. It just seems weird that he happened to bring this out just before his SUPER PAC released an ad about the same thing.
But weather or not he was coordinating with them can't be proved, however as Newt's plan appears to be backfiring and he is making people in the GOP turn sour over it (hey that's Ron Paul's job) he has quote:
"Gingrich, in a written statement, called on the so-called "super PAC" supporting his campaign to either edit or pull ads that portrayed Romney as a corporate raider -- he said the ads contained inaccuracies."
So a presidential candidate has made a written statement to a super PAC supporting him on what the content of the advertising should or should not contain? I'm reading this correctly, right?
Hope you enjoy fines Gingrich.