Well...be thankful there are no quizzez this time. >n_n< I've told a number of you people repeatedly that I have internet issues. *le sigh* Those issues might be resolved before the end of this year though if all goes well. As some of you know, and those who didn't know now know, that I officially have a job. Right now it's mostly graphic art type work. I've been doing a lot of logos, t-shirts, mugs and things of that sort. I've neglected a lot of my more personal art...unless you count my doodles, which I don't... but this is only my 4th week of being employed and when I have more consistant hours I'm sure I'll find time to finish a lot of the art stuff I have just sitting catching dust. Right after I clean my room of course. >u_u<; If you're curious as to who or what I'm working for here's the link ...
SALA-Group ... you'll start seeing more of my handiwork around that site eventually. Believe it or not my boss has even more sites that he's neglected to add to that website. One is a site I've been doing a lot of work for ...
Sam's Kids ... most of which won't be up until the merchandise is finalized. Sam says I'll even be able to start selling prints of my original work in Ethereal City for people to purchase. I don't know if my stuff is exactly print material, but Sam is always telling me how great I am. Yes, my boss is inflating my ego. I'm not quite sure I like it, but it's probably because I'm not used to so much praise all at once for something I consider crap. *shrugs* We have a puppy here at my house. He's adorable, and I love 'im , but he's been a brat lately so I've spent a good chunk of this week scolding him rather than loving him. Purebred German Shepard...smart...but likes to act dumb so he can get away with being bad. He also has a teeeeeeeeeeeny little itty bitty bladder because if that boy gets excited or anything he has an accident all over himself, and if that wasn't enough he'll even lay down in it as if the floor were dry. Now that I'm thinking aboot it ...
Click this link and join! ... I just joined that site. It looks cute, but I haven't had the chance to really get into it yet, but I'm sure you all can and then you people can friend me and shiitake. So yes...join! I'm under the same screen name as always, sonikkukitten . I finally got to rent all the movies I've been wanting to see. I was so sad when I had to return Howl's Moving Castle. I loved it...the animation was just beautiful and so flawlessly done. *eeeenvyyyyyy* Then as I was watching the extras I actually got so freaking jealous of John Lasseter. He got not only a visit to Pixar from Miyazaki himself, but he got pieces of a large Cat Bus wall mount as a gift. I actually stomped around the house all teary eyed shaking my fist at Lasseter. It wasn't fair...I love Miyazaki as much as him I thought. I want a Cat Bus too! Then I thought to myself that I'll just haftah get famous enough to meet Miyazaki one day before he passes on and totally fangirl all over him and get something awesomer than John. LOL! I'm so retarded. I really do want that to happen though. One can dream can't they? How do you peoples like my new Naruto footer? I still have the chobits version, but now I can pick either or whenevar I feel like it! It's getting late...I've another t-shirt to work on before I can sleep and my throat is hurting so I'm gunna make soup before I get my art on. Later days! *squeeshy love and blessings*