In Your Honor...

Dec 01, 2005 20:46

Sweet Jeebus, if it's even posiible I love the Foo Fighters even more now! Finally getting my hands on their latest CD, which brought me great relief at this point in time of my life, has made me more certain that I will own every single one of their CDs as soon as I can. <3 I haven't found a song on it yet that I dislike in any way. Koi has finished his visit, thus my lack of internet time, but I enjoyed myself. I miss him already. >-___-,< Shit went down and my family life has deteriorated a bit more, but I've gained a bit more independence and my daily routine has hopefully forevar been altered. My last mother figure has re-entered my life, which I am insanely grateful for. I'll be attending church again, mostly to get out of the house and spend time with people whom I actually feel good to be with instead of feeling like the 4th wheel on a tricycle. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I wasn't bored like all the other spanish masses I've been to,and everyone is VERY nice...and I mean everyone. >^.^< I'm trying to restart my salad diet. I think the only thing keeping me from teetering off the edge of obesity is the fact that I walk everywhere. My health is horrid. Can anyone imagine having a period for 6 straight weeks? Well, that's me...yep I'm still going. There's absolutely no way I'm not anemic nows, but I have no insurance so there's not much I can do aboot it except try and take care of myself a little more by changing my eating habits. Anime has bombarded my room. Koi got me a sextastic Sesshomaru wall scroll that I love to bits! <3 I got myself some Chobits posters which I hope to put up soon. I luckily got a gorgeous Hinata figurine, I love her. She kneels atop my new DC which my Sesshomaru and Vegeta action figures refuse to return to since they could not protect the previous one. I got an Iruka-sensei keychain. <3 Tenchi Forever, a movie about Tenchi Muyo...I miss that series. :( Ten minutes of class left...I'll need to finish up quick. I've already begun Christmas shopping, but I need to start drawing for the people I won't be able to get gifts for. I need a job... >u_u<; Well, later days! *squeeshy love and blessings for everyone*

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