Sleep interrupted...

Feb 12, 2005 13:18

Before I begin mai official journal entry you Tails fans might wanna check this out...quite enlightening. >^.^<
Origin Of Tails

Allright...Now for the explanation/rant of what ocurred on Friday that got me so upset and quite frankly still has me some what so.

~> After going to bed on Thurs. around 1 or so in the morning, I am awakened at 8am by Papi...I go out to see what he wants and he tells me, "Since you're so forgetful I want you to go down to your school and get those papers I've been asking you for today." I say Okay *holds out hand for bus fare and a brief discussion of how much I need to get to school and back* Can I at least get some sleep before I head out and get the paper? "No." Of course I think I heard wrong so I'm starting to get irritated which doesn't help since I'm semi grumpy from being rudely awakened like he did in the first place, You mean I can't sleep and go in the afternoon to get the paper? I ask still half asleep. "No, you go now. You don't get to sleep." Rage has successfully been built and I start thinking..."WTF!Friday is my rest day! I've been so fucking tired and stressed out all week looking forward to only one day...Friday. Now here's Papi telling me I can't fucking sleep a bit before I go do his fucking errand. (which Koi pointed out last night isn't even my responsibility because it's for his taxes. Not mine... I don't do taxes.) He wants me to be fucking sleep deprived forever because Friday is the only day I can actually rest, Saturday I get up at like 5 or 6 (depends on whether I take a shower or not) to go to mai internship and Sundays suck because people like turning on the TV just outside my room and ruin my deep sleep. (My walls are practically like paper when it comes to sound and I think someone in the house is going deaf...God...when I turn on the TV sometimes it's ridiculously loud.) So I throw a fit. I get angry and don't know what to do with it so I quickly start crying hot tears and whining because all I want is some sleep after the week. I knew it wasn't any skin off his ass to just let me sleep until like 12 and then go, but he wouldn't fucking let me. To make it worse...Sonia was home. This adds insult to injury. I'm angry...exhausted...crying. Things that I hate which adds to my rage and as I throw my fit he just piles it on. Papi...God I can feel a knot in my stomach thinking of this...cheered and clapped as I threw my fit...twice. God that...ARGH!!!! That did it. Scorpio mode initiated from that point on. I went angrily crying trying to get ready and he added that he wanted me to clear the room next to mine of mai clutter when I cam home. Something I knew I would NOT have time to do. So I said, "Oh that's smart! You want me to spend 5 hours commuting not counting the time inbetween to come home and do that?!" And he suggests that I use the closet for mai clothes so I don't haftah toss them into mai room, but that task is impossible, "I can't! Sonia has the closet blocked!" No reply. So I huff all over the place, and although the morning is cold, I know eet was, I was I had an odd anger fueled fever. So I just went and threw all mai "clutter" into mai room. I didn't care where eet went, I just threw it in there. My room is a dump now, much worse than I can evar remember it. I prepare to go and as I'm getting mai purse and sketchbooks ready cursing under mai breath because I finished the last enjoyable novel I had. Papi comes and sees me still scowling with hot tears continously rolling down mai face. He come to me and puts his hand on mai shoulder laughing at my rage and says, "You'll thank me for this..." I forgot what he said next because he moved to hug me and I would have none of it. I turned awai saying no and absolutely hating him at the moment. So he got angry and said, "So that's how it is? Allright, I'll remember that. Watch. I'm going to treat you the same way." I didn't give a fuck. I didn't exactly hate him, Lord knows I couldn't, but I hated what he had done to me. He left finally and I found maiself calminng down a bit. By the way it'd been raining since I woke up. Which added to me being abgry 'cause that meant I had rivers to cross and so I'd be soaked and sick by the time I reached the school. Lucky for me Sonia took pity and offered to drive me to the station, which I am most grateful for and want to repay her. I cried throughout the duration of the car ride. Still silently seething with anger. I went to school scowling all the way, I think I have a permanent wrinkle in my brow from scowling so long. I can still feel it. I stayed for a awhile and when I returned home I was grateful that Sonia answered the phone and not Papi, but Papi was in the car to pick me up. I tried to make sure I didn't laugh at his jokes, I currently refuse to give him the satisfaction. I am still angry with him. He hasn't spoken to me since morning. There you have it...the end. g2g. Later days! *squeeshy loves upon everyone and then blessings!*
>^.^< I'm okee. Please don't worry aboot me. I just had to get that out.
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