Title: Only a moment...
Fandom: TMNT: The GCI movie
Characters: Mikey, mentions of others.
Prompt: 65 Passing
Word Count: 260
Rating: G
Summary: A cold winters night Mikey ponders the universe
Author's Notes: Not much to say besides even with the depressing fic, I'm rather happy!
His breath came out in small warm clouds, meeting the cold glass of the window, green fingers pressing tightly against the pane.
A pair of blue eyes gazed out sadly, his expression dipping from its usual smile, fingers traced over the glass, drawing people in the cloud.
He smiled drawing in a little figure of April, Casey next. More little people were drawn into the scene.
Him, Raph, Leo, Donny and Sensei, fictional spouses added on as well, even little turtle kids.
He smiled a little wider moving away from his little scene, feeling proud, that dispersing as the drawings started to vanish, hot air of the room already making April and Casey become nothing but smudges on the glass, their dream home going to.
It took no time before he was gone, Raph, Leo, Donny, Sensei….
Even fictional people, they went poof as well…
His happy smile curled into a small frown, hands pressing against the supposedly perfect picture he had painted.
Eyes closing tight sigh passing his lips, the irony settling down on him.
His cheek soon met the cold glass, tendrils of sadness curling through him.
“Does life pass that fast?” He thought aloud, answered only by the sounds of the old battered TV’s crackling sound system.
“We’re only a moment in time, not an hour, week or month. Just a moment.”
The turtle cringed at the fitting answer from the TV, three-fingered hand groping in the dark finding the remote and flickering it off, leaving him with the smudges on the window and cold winter air.