The adventures of toy turtles

May 09, 2009 19:52

Because I'm easily entertained and had free time today, I decided to fuck around with my NECA toys. And the results below are their delightful adventures. With some explanation via me. Those poor toitles. As a disclaimer yes, this was based off the secret life of dolls my cleolinda but I wanted to try my hand at it.

The major changes are the facts: That I'm not going to be involved with the turtles adventures, they'll be going outside once or twice and have the common law of 'Not letting humans see you moving'.

Earlier that day Donny had left a memo on the desk computer for his brothers to come and meet him by the edge of the girly desk. Needlessly to say only Mikey and Leo showed up to this very important meeting. Raph had better things to do, woo some dolls on his free time.

NMikey: So what exactly did ya call this meeting for Donny? Ya said it was something important.

NLeo: And why exactly do you have a rope? Do we need to help you rig something?

NDonny: Better, you guys need to help me get down the desk.

NMikey: ...Why? We're living pretty nicely up here. Plenty of chicks, fellow mutants and the human leaves us food sometimes.

NLeo: That and its dangerous to go down, you might break something.

NDon: I'm willing to take a risk, I'm tired of being in here. There is a bigger world out there! I could observe nature in action. I could finally see those giant dogs in their natural habitat without a pane of glass inbetween us.

NMikey: So you just have cabin fever? Huh. A dangerous kind, but still cabin-y.

NDon: *huffs* Just help me tie it to the handle. Then you can say I'm wrong if I fail.

NLeo: *Soft sigh* Hopefully the screw driver is up here somewhere.

NMikey: I'll hold yer bo for ya bro!

NDon: Thank you, just put it there *Gestures at desk top* until we get the rope tied.

-Moments later-

NMikey: I wonder how long it'll take before he gets down.

NLeo: You don't honestly think he'll get down there do you?

NMikey: Dude, he probably will thanks ta gravity kicking in.

NRaph: What the hell is going on?

NLeo: Donny's trying to escape.

NRaph: Why would he want ta leave?

NLeo: Cabin fever. He's going kind of crazy from being up here.

NRaph: Still don't understand why, there are pretty fine chicks here, some eats, a giant ass computer for him to work on. I see no problems with living here.

NMikey: Guys! *Whips around and almost hits Raph in face with bo staff* He's almost there! He's doing it!

NRaph:! Hey! Watch where your aiming that thing.

NLeo: Mikey, give me that thing.

NMikey: Okay, okay! But guys! He's almost there!

NRaph: Thats nice, but he's gonna be stuck down there until our owner gets her ass back here. So yeah, I don't see the point of him going down there.

NLeo: Well, technically he could leave and go outside. He'd just have to avoid being seen is all.

NRaph: *Opens mouth to say something, stopped when a large thump is heard* Fuck..

NDonny: Oh godd, my armmm. Augghh.

NLeo: ..We better get down there and help him. Hopefully we won't fall off the rope...

-Moments later-

NMikey: There all done bro, now about that fee I mentioned earlier. I do charge by the hour after all. So that'll be 5.99 plus tax.

NDon: *grumps* Mikey now isn't the time...

NMikey: Aww come on dude, its ain't that bad. Sure your plan at escape failed horribly, sure your arm popped off, sure you aren't the smart one any- NDon: How is this suppose to make me feel any better?!

NMikey: Uh, if I take off a few dollars will that make you feel better? NDon: I'm not related to you anymore. *Grumpy sound*

NMikey: Aww come on, its not that bad bro. The girl will take outside sooner or later. No need to fret!

NDonny: That's not a real visit, we can't even enjoy anything then! She'll be with us the whole time!

NMikey: Beggars can't be choosers bro.

NDonny: *sighs*

NLeo: Glad to see you in one piece again. Hopefully we won't need to use the screw driver after this. Here, I brought your bo.

NDon: We might if my other plans go awry. *Takes bo and tucks it in his belt*

NRaph: More plans? Fuck, do you guys really think we're gonna keep fixing ya after a few more falls?

NLeo: Of course we will! He's our brother. Our brother who just has a few miscaulations.

NRaph: Miscaculations?! Fuck ups are a better term for this going outside bullshit!

NDon: I'm right here guys.

NRaph: I know that, I was hoping shame'd make some sense come back in yer noggin!

NMikey: Dudes, dudes. Chill. How about we visit the bakery and forget about all this? I know some cake'd ease yer nerves.

NRaph: ...Fine. S'long as I get chocolate with sprinkles.

NMikey: Course, I know the baker! He'll give us all kinds of cake. We just gotta wait, the bakery opens when it gets a little later. Right extreme me?

EMikey: We open at 8:00, s'when I give my discount to fellow Mikey's. I might give it to yer bros if the injury was real bad.

NMikey: *Whispers* Dudes, get Donny's arm loose again!

NDon: No! Hey! Keep that thing away from me! *Is chased by NMikey!*

Thus ends our first turtle adventure. Getting cake, more breaking of limbs and the gasp great out doors to come!

i am in need of saving halp, too much free time, sora's special, toys, tmnt

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