I got this guy from
hillarygayle, so let's get to procrastinating!
1. If I looked on your bed right now, what would I find?
Just my sheets...boring, I know.
2. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
I have an ensuite bathroom, so very often I'll leave the bathroom door open but the bedroom door closed.
3. Are your clothes ironed?
Hah, I wish. They probably should be ironed, but what are ya gonna do? BESIDES iron them.
4. Sleep on your back or stomach?
Neither; on my side. Fun fact: I haven't been able to fall asleep on my back since I was a kid and got scoliosis. Whenever I would lie on my back, spine would press against my lungs in an event that was as painful as it sounds
5. Are you a cuddler?
I would be if the answer to #6 was different.
6. Are you single?
7. Does someone love you?
I would like to hope so!
8. What were you doing before this survey?
Remixing a song for a
Bad Dudes tribute album.
9. What will you do after the survey?
Take a shower, then probably (hopefully) finish the aforementioned remix.
10. Marriage or living together?
Neither. -_-
11. What shirt are you wearing now?
A t-shirt I got in 2004 when I decided to wear baby blue every day that summer. And I did!
Do you believe in love?Of course I do....btw the youtube link my my handiwork; I love that song.
13. Do you de-label your beer bottles?
I don't drink beer.
14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I don't talk about them verbally, but I've been known to write a piece of music or two in lieu of using words.
15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
I had to think about this one for a while...y'know what, there are a couple things I wish I could take back.
16. First thing you do when you wake up?
Roll over, look at my phone, see that it's between 3:00-4:00am, read my text messages and/or emails, and go back to sleep. Every morning, without fail.
17. What are you excited for?
The possibility that Urbanizm Music could actually be a big deal someday.
18. Do you like the beach?
19. Who's the last person you texted?
Kors (he's a whole other entry).
20. Do you hate someone?
I think
hillarygayle answered this better than I could have: I hate the ideas of some people, no specific people. I hate people who are self-centered to the point of hurting someone else unnecessarily. I hate people who take advantage of others. I hate people who are apathetic to the suffering of others.
21. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
No, and it really bugs me when the paper starts to rip.
Click to view
Don't you DARE judge me.
23. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
Yes, and I enjoy doing so.
24. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
Yes, on three conditions: I wouldn't do it in my house, the monkey would have to wear a diaper, and I wouldn't have to change said diaper...ain't turnin' my house into a dang jungle, hmph.
25. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
There isn't one.
26. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
I don't think there's any one event that I'm looking forward to...I just hope 2011's a good year.
27. When will you turn 50?
September 25, 2034.
28. Are you ticklish?
Terribly. =\
29. Where do you wish you were right now?
Either Hawaii, New York, or bed.
30. What song are you currently listening to?
Dawaun Parker - Lost
31. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
I don't believe so. Man, I haven't had a drink in YEARS.
32. Do you believe in cheating?
Do I believe it happens? Well of course it does. Do I condone it? Depends on the kind of cheating...using cheat codes in video games is cool; cheating on your spouse or significant other is not.
33. What time did you wake up this morning?
I think I woke up for good at about 6am, but seeing as how I can't stop yawning, that "for good" is still TBD.
34. Do you have any cousins?
Dozens (literally).
35. What makes you smile?
Sleeping, my friends, a Greatest Idea Ever™, thinking about the future, and a good song.
36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I can't even remember, and I'm too lazy to grab my phone.
37. Are you happy?
Well, I'm not UNhappy...y'know what, yeah I guess I am happy.
38. Are you hungry?
A little bit - perhaps a field trip to the fridge is in order.
39. What was your dream last night?
I doubt I had one.
40. Do you like to shop?
Love shopping, but you gotta have money first.
41. What side of the heart do you draw first?
The left (yes I had to draw one).
42. Can you dive without plugging your nose?
I'm embarrassed to admit I can't dive at all.
43. What color is your razor?
Black and green.
44. What is your blood-type?
O negative, I believe.
45. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
If I had to be tied to anyone, I don't think I could even last an hour before going insane.
46. What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
I don't think anyone's ever spread a rumor about me, not one that I know about at least.
47. How do you feel about carrots?
I don't really feel any way about them. I get along with them and they get along with me.
48. How many chairs are at the dining room table?
49. Which is the best Spice Girl?
Wasn't Victoria Beckham a Spice Girl? *swoon*
50. Do you know what time it is?
8:28am...possibly bedtime #2.