Oct 04, 2006 18:26
...Something in My Peanut Butter...
You stand there in your snappy attire.
A smug look upon your face.
You just keep talking.
Throwing around your technical jargon and outlandish claims.
I hear you and I don't care.
I understand, even if I don't speak with equal eloquence.
Do you think you impress me?
Because I think you are a fool.
Sporting a nonchalant grin to mask your incompetence.
Get out of my store.
I have work to do.
I wish I could go back to the days when all I cared about was living. Not living well mind you because life was always good. I never cared about anything or anyone and I was always happy.
What changed? And why can I not change it back? I'm miserable.
I feel like the Circus' "Fool Clown". My actions are simple, but somehow (to the crowds amusement) I always seem to fail.
I need to cut back on my drinking and smoking. Every night is a big blur to me. I go to bed with nothing on my mind because all I can think about is how the room spins so fast, and how struggling it is to move my numb body.
The other night my friends took me to Denny's. I realized I couldn't afford to eat anything and started crying. I didn't think I felt sad...the tears just sorta came out of me. I apologized for my behavior, but Sparky told me it was "OK" and that I had "just hit the rocks at the bottom".
He was right.