Sorry this is a bit late. Got a bit distracted with other things. Must say I loved, loved, LOVED this episode. And I thought Martha was brilliant. I've managed to keep this re-cap entirely un-ship centric. No Martha bashing. Promise.
Name: Doctor Who
Episode: The Lazarus Experiment - HD quality
Number: 2810
Size caps: 640x352
File/size: .zip/110MB
Link found at the bottom.
“Ah here we are. Home Sweet Home.” As usual, the Doctor is completely clueless. Martha is unimpressed, to say the least.
“Oh look. Itty Bitty Martha.” You’d thing, with the technology the Mill has at its disposal, that they could have come up with a slightly better manip than that one in the playground.
Doctor=No sense of propriety. Makes me giggle.
Lazarus makes his cryptic announcement to the world. Oh look, and there’s Tish.
Doctor’s interest is piqued.
But, alas, it’s time to ride into the sunset, or supernova…Whatevs. And of course he has to make it that much more difficult on poor Martha by striking a sexy pose.
Martha tires to keep a brave face.
Bu t is crushed. Poor little Dear.
But wait…back the TARDIS up….
Lazarus=Old Letch
Not in a million years, Grandpa. Unless you genetically manipulate you DNA back 50 years. Then I’d do ya.
Doctor in a Tux…..*thud*
Martha thinks it makes him look ‘James Bond’. Doctor’s ego has no problems believing it.
“Oh nipples nibbles. I love nibbles.” Either way…*thud*
Licking of the fingers…..*THUD* If he had been looking at the camera it would have looked like
Upon learning what it means to be a ‘Science Geek’
Martha’s mother is suspicious right from the start. Remind you of anyone?
The Doctor has seen some of the most horrific and frightening things in all of Time and Space, but nothing quite prepared him for Francine’s eyebrows.
Realizing a little too late that it’s not a good idea to tell a girls mother that they’d been busy doing...‘stuff’. *shakes head* Silly little Doctor.
“Blessed Rassilon…saved by the bell”
Lazarus makes pretty speech about miracles, and leaps, and changing the world.
Doctor’s a little put out because he’s usually the one to make pretty speeches.
OOOOh Purdy
“Ummm, something isn’t right here.” Gee, what was your first clue Doc? The copious amounts of smoke? The sparks? Or is this another one of your ‘state the obvious’ games, that you are so good at?
Somebody’s been watching Casino Royale. 10 points to the first person who gets the reference.
Kudo’s to Martha for being the first to run to help, after the Doctor of course.
“I feel pretty…”
“Oh so pretty…”
“I feel pretty and witty and gay.”
Martha, having paid attention in class, sacrifices herself to collect a DNA sample.
Doctor is suitably impressed.
What? I was only saying what Lazarus was thinking.
Tish was right, only a Science Geek would get this excited over, well…Science.
“I got a little crick in my neck.”
“Ok, so it’s more than a little crick.”
Poor Wifie…(I completely forget her name)…all she wanted was to be young for ever and ever and get rich in the process. Is that too much to ask?
Like every human male, genetically altered or not, Lazarus is proud of his *ahem* appendage, and enjoys showing it off.
Martha’s mom grills Tish about the Doctor….damn she’s scary.
“Why are you asking me? It’s not like I’m jealous that Martha get all the good looking guys and I get 76 year old genetically altered blokes.”
“Why are you asking me? It’s not like I’m jealous that Martha gets all the good looking guys and I get…well…my mommy.”
DUN DUN DUN…Introducing mysterious, obviouslySaxonemployee, to insert seeds of doubt and fear, and OMGDRAMA…as if Martha’s mom needs more of that.
Martha: ‘pssst Tish. Your bloke’s got this giant *ahem* appendage, that’s gonna seriously throw ya for a loop.’
The Doctor tries the ol’ ‘living forever isn’t as good as it may seem’ trick…but no one believes him.
Martha: Did you know you have a man doing an impression of an ostrich mating dance growing out of your shoulder?
Tish: WTF???
“Damn, usually all my boyfriends turn into monsters AFTER I’ve snogged them.”
Tish gets her first lesson in ‘running for your life’.
“The Doctor actually thinks this is the first time I’ve used his sonic screwdriver. It’s good for a lot more than putting up shelves.” *snerk*
The Doctor tells everyone to run for their lives.
If you’ve ever watched Star Trek, then you know the unknown actor in the red shirt who accompanies the others down to the dangerous planet is ALWAYS gonna die. Same goes for random person who tells the Doctor to go stuff it.
Seriously the BEST ‘creature’ EVER. My hat’s off to the people at the Mill.
Told ya!
“My poor little Snooky Wookums. Did you get a boo boo?” “Well yeah ma…I did just have a table bounced off my head.”
Martha’s mad doctorin’ skills at work….Reggie just wishes she’d stop trying to poke his eye out with the blue light thingy.
Doctor and Lazarus play hide-n-seek.
Martha obviously watched Casion Royale with the Doctor, but she was paying to much attention to Daniel Craig’s bum. The Doctor pulled this off much better.
“Bloody Hell, Lazarus. You have sum funky breath.”
I just want to take a moment to say I really liked Martha this ep. When she chose the Doctor over her family, that was the moment she became a true companion.
I know, I’s been said a hundred times already, but I can’t help myself
*clears throat*
How many Time Lords does it take to change a light bulb?
Yay for the Doctor using Real Science. Proving his Geekiness.
Since you obviously weren’t listening before, I’m gonna whisper a very bad secret about the Doctor in your ear, that the audience can't hear and won’t know anything about until the end of the series, and it will drive them mad and isn’t it fun?
DT’s teeth kinda scare me here.
“Doctor your hand is on my!!!…..Never mind, I kinda like it.”
The Doctor obviously didn’t think there was anything wrong with hiding in a genetic whatsitz…
Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow FOR THE WIN
Old Skool Who fans everywhere, let out a collective squeeeee!
Thank the Gods for strategically placed legs and cameras.
Ahhh…brings back memories, doesn’t it?
Shocked! Though he should be used to it by now.
“You definitely pack a bigger whallop than Jackie. That bloody well hurt.” Poor woobie Doctor.
*snicker* Notice how he holds it like a gun. Boys and their phallic symbols toys.
Mark Grattis Lazarus flirts with David the Doctor.
The Doctor starts to develop a plan
Martha tries to follow along. Poor Tish just wants to go home.
Love the way they lit these shots. Makes him look even more intimidating.
Ok so David the Doctor, flirts back.
This is what would happen to me if the Doctor ever flirted with me….GUUUUHHHHH!
Oh I was beginning to thing the emo!Doctor Bambi eyes wouldn’t make there appearance this episode…but alas, they are part of his contract.
Martha gives herself up as bait, so the Doctor can put his master plan into action. *sniff* I’m so proud.
Tish proves that she’s a quick study and has mastered Running for your Life 101.
Someone else already said it, but what’s up with the mirror? Vain much?
Pulling his knob…*snerk* yes I am 12, why do you ask?
Only on Whoverse will you find the hero saving the day by playing the organ. Brilliantly CRACKTASTIC.
Not David’s hands…*is sad*
Still not David’s hands….*still sad*…I have a thing for his manly, hairy hands.
Holy Crap! It actually worked. But I think there is something I’m forgetting…
Too much naked Mark Gratiss. Too much naked Mark Gratiss. Too much naked Mark Gratiss.
w00t…Tish to the rescue.
think, think…OH…”ummm Martha, you ok love?”
“I’m fine. No thanks to you, you wanker.”
Sad Doctor.
Dead Doctor.
Celebratory We’re still alive hug.
“I almost got you killed, again. Ain't it neat?”
Martha tells the Doctor she won’t be his rebound girl anymore. If he wants her he has to make it permanent. Can’t say I blame her.
The Doctor, even if he lives to be a million, will never understand women.
A Celebratory, let’s make it official hug.
“You were never really just a passenger.” All together now AWWWWWW!
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