Here's a picspam to bring in the new year. No real ryhme or reason to these pics, just ones that made my drunk ass smile. Now there's an image....
Cheeky David
The Epitomy of 'Cheeky Little Boy.
Smirking/Smug!David. Closely related to Cheeky!David.
Click me!
He's so loving it. And you know those girls can' t be complaining either.
Click me
And me!
Pretty much all of David's pictures are 'GUH' worthy, but these in particular get my blood going.
Bedroom eyes, and a shirt that makes the eyes bleed. Only David.
Love this pic because you can see a bit of bicep and he just looks like he's gonna come through my screen and pounce on me. Not that I'd object.
TEEHEE. Stills can be so suggestive without meaning too. I like to think he's making this face on purpose.
Mostly because if I were to slash anyone, it would be these two. :D
*fans self* This one was a toss up between Guh!David and Serious!David. He fits well in both here.
Those big, deep, chocolate eyes. *sigh*
Don't you just wanna pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair? :D
It's a bird. It's a plane....It's David wearing a superman shirt and texting on the move. Multi talented our boy. :P
Tongue/Hair Pron!David
Click me!
His hair in these particular shots. I wonder if he did it himself or if he had it done? It was...something else. No wonder that girl had to ruffle it.
What I've learned.
Actually I've known these things for a while, but it's still nice put them all in one place.
1. David is a very silly man.
2. There aren't nearly enough shots of him pouting. THAT. BOTTOM. LIP. GUHHHHHHHHH!!!!
3. His smile is gorgeous. Whether is a closed mouth little smile, or a full-blown, all out grin.
4. The man can pull off anything, be it a ratty old grey sweatshirt with a hole in it, or a bright pink and orange striped shirt, a A&F hoodie, or a skin tight t-shirt. ANYTHING or NOTHING The man is beautiful.
5. Hobo!David cracks me up. He simply cannot do incognito. Incognito - You are doing it wrong. Bless him.
6. David's tongue and hair...need I say more?
7. David John Tennant nee Mcdonald: Merriam Webster's Dictionary definition - ONE SEXY BEAST!!
Happy New Year!