Jan 17, 2016 01:48
Hello world. I know this is my first update in months, which makes me wonder why I have not felt the urge to post anything / if this blogging thingy has been substituted by another means / replaced by something of a higher priority. I was well aware of the neglect of this journal; but it didn't strike me enough until I thought about the last time I accessed this account.
Too many things have happened in this time frame, far too many to describe in detail at this moment. I mean, one major thing that changed is that I'm feeling incredibly sleepy at 1:30am in the morning, which would have seemed to be a rather absurd situation one year ago. Heck, I had been sleeping 5 - 6 hours a day for the good part of the year, and catching another 15 - 30mins on public transport to and from home when I could.
Anyway, I believe I'm caught up in the trap of modern life - mind you, not that I'm blaming societal norms / or giving the pathetic excuse "well, life happened" - but that there have been too many things that I've decided to do / made a conscious decision to take up. This means I'm spending the rest of my free time sleeping / doing whatever I have been doing for the past few years (ie, anime, games, practising music) whenever a sliver of this opportunity presented itself, and that has resulted in having no time to do absolutely nothing.
Yes, you got that right. To do absolutely nothing, but just listen to whatever's flying around in my brain.
Sometimes this lack of reflection scares me slightly: I believe that one needs to make an effort to review what has happened / what is currently being done in order to pave the correct way forward in the correct direction. But if I'm living life just as it comes by...... I don't know, something just seems to be amiss. I guess I wouldn't like myself to fall into the routine of an average modern man, where you just cycle between school / work, sleep, the occasional weekend outing, and that's all there is to life.
I should try to prioritise more time for silence / meditation, but that means I have to cut back on something else. Priorities, eh.