work on these pages copyright
Alpha, unless otherwise stated
free to use any artwork you find here, however please follow these simple rules
when using anything I have created.
1. Comment in the post
containing the Icon if you take it, it's imperative because I like knowing where
my icons are going.
2. Credit to my full username. sonicalpha
3. If you have any questions about an effect or font, lyric, or anything else,
ask me and I'll help you out as much as I can. Questions are encouraged so don't
be shy.
4. Don't customize my work.
Friends Only
1. If you want a friends only banner that I have
created, leave a comment in the post containing the banner and take it.
2. Credit me wherever it is used by writing "Image created and supplied
sonicalpha". (Info on lj tags,
3. Don't customize my work.
4. No direct linking to my files.