Nov 04, 2010 00:49

[Of all the things the town could possibly have assigned Fate to for a job, she felt she had come out with one that was actually enjoyable and worth the time: a teacher. Sure, she quite well understood the sexism and double-standards latent in forcing a woman whose talents laid elsewhere to teach home economics and restricting it nearly entirely to girls, but she accepted it as a fact of this particular world--one of thousands--and endured it.

She did know how to do most--if not all--of the things required in the curriculum and enjoyed them, so teaching would not be difficult. Besides, she could work on her notes for the investigation during the class and she could get to know many of the children in this way.

So, Fate is the home economics teacher at Mayfield High; she doesn't expect to or intend to enforce the curriculum, so students can do whatever they like: actually practice home ec, use the time as a study hall, talk with others (quietly, though! Upsetting any drone faculty would be bad), or just about anything else. Fate herself will be working on her notes, talking to the students, and helping them with anything they would like.

So, what is your student doing in class?]

!action, !school, !work

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