Greetings and such to everybody -- hello! You're looking at one very bright-eyed and amazingly bushy-tailed post-transatlantic Irishwoman just coming back from getting in touch with her homeland and all that! Wow, that was wordy. In any case, me and Alex and my dad and Miss Frost are back. Ireland was lovely, and my family are absolutely insane. Then again, who wouldn't expect that bit, right?
So, it's great to see you lot again -- hope all's been well in our absence. Haven't seen a good deal, though -- not a movie theater for miles around back home, so Return of the King is still as yet unseen for us, among others. But first! Rahne Sinclair, we have a date -- you come find me as soon as you can, darling! We have Things to Squeal About Discuss!
Alex? What do you say to a round of Zoolander? We've only been apart half an hour and I miss you already! This is madness; I think I'm enjoying it.
So, yeah -- Theresa really does have presents for people, I'm just... too lazy scatterbrained to think them up at the moment. But it'll come to me!
Oh! And also, might as well say it now -- I'll be gone for the next two-ish days visiting friends in New York. So! if something needs to happen, you're welcome to generally god-mode my characters (or if the people who had them before want to use them again, that would be great too! <333333). I should be back by the evening of the 1st, though. So! Much *MWAH!s* to you all, and happy 2004 my lovelies!