"Good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight incase I don't see ya."

Jun 07, 2005 00:58

I talked to a few people today who mean a lot to me. The talks I shared with them were deep and I'm glad I did get a chance to communicate with them. C-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n, communication is such a key to a good relationship and trust me, I've been through enough to know so I hope that the "C" word soaks into your heads while you read this. I don't want to sound like my other friends don't mean as much as these people do but thats not the case... I just want to thank Shay, Trevor, Greg, and Steve for talking to me because it helped me realize whats been goin' on lately, how I've been effecting others around me, and what I've been missing out on. I appreciate the convos I had so much that I feel better than how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. I still have a couple more people I'd like to speak with to complete my round because I love my friends and I know myself that there are problems here and there and one of the best ways to help solve them is to talk to the person/people. Today, I did that and, honestly, I'm fuckin' drained. But yeah, I feel a lot better and I just wanted to vent a little more before I went to bed because tomorrow is a new day. Once I talk to a couple more people, I'll probably feel a lot better.


P.S. I'm sorry Shay... just know I wouldn't try to hurt you intentionally and I love you. Thanks for "communicating" with me.
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