Oh, boy.

Aug 05, 2004 00:16

Sometimes an old love, part forgotten, will come back and make you smile, make your heart ache.

No, I'm not talking about my love life. I should be so lucky. ;)

No, I'm sighing over the first season of Quantum Leap on DVD. Man, I loved that show from the moment I clapped eyes on it. And oooooh, Scott Bakula. What a talented guy. Tall, extraordinarily good looking, and nice! Oh, and he sings. Has sung in a musical on Broadway. I remember my first trip to the West Coast by myself was for a Quantum Leap convention in February of 1993 -- sadly, just before the show was cancelled. The cast and crew and production team and Don Bellasario -- one of the most creative minds in TV -- dang, all of them were just awesome and great to the fans...and they really appreciated us. This was my first encounter with a creative team that truly appreciated their fanbase -- lord knows we all wrote postcard after letter to NBC trying to save QL, to no avail -- and didn't think they were weird. Or at least, if they did, they didn't show it, or say it in front of us. Or on television, like a certain captain of the Enterprise. Ha! Now THERE'S a cosmic twist of fate. Scott Bakula, of course, is the current captain of the Enterprise (which in bizarro fashion, actually PREDATES Shatner's.)

Have I mentioned that Scott Bakula is gorgeous? And he looks EXACTLY like he does on television, in person?

Why is it that actors look good out of makeup, but actresses rarely do?

Oh, and Scott is humble and sweet and gorgeous and wonderful and likes his fans. He sang "Happy Birthday" to a woman in a wheel chair a scant 4 spots down from me during that convention (I almost called it a fan meet! Oops!). I nearly passed out. Of course, I was ever so much younger then, and I'd never react that way to an actor nowadays. Right? RIGHT?!

What was I saying? Oh, yes. Scott is humble and sweet and gorgeous and tall and athletic.

So naturally, when I saw him debut the new Star Trek a few seasons back, I immediately thought:

"He'd make a GREAT Blue Man."

I guess CMP and company won't mind sharing the majority of my heart with Mr. Bakula. ;)
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