Jan 30, 2011 01:46
This story has never been one to lie still and be written. It changes POV like some people change their socks, and it doesn't go for the uniformly colored ones either.
The scenes fall to me like puzzle-pieces from the sky, outline be damned.
And so tomorrow I shall write about friends coming together, and a brother with a difficult decision. This is better than writing the next chapter, because the proper next chapter is more travel. And I'm tired of having my characters traveling, I need them to get there and get on with the whole mess.
Part of my frustration is also that I keep thinking of plot details to add that - when I think of them at least - are fabulous and need to be added right away, except that really, because these bits could actually be really significant to the outcome of the story, it's actually blocking things a bit until I can figure out whether they are indeed Really Good Ideas or just Cop Out Plot Devices.
Also, we have a feline visitor of the male persuasion. He'll be hanging out with us for awhile and hopefully make friends with Zoe significantly before "time to leave now."
And toys. Bill has a new phone. I think truly that's all I need to say about the matter. I expect to have some simile of normal discussion with him again around Thursday.
Well, that was a bit of a ramble, wasn't it?
my. You should go to bed, dear.
I know.
off you go then. good night, all.
zzzz . . .
simon le bum,
writing agony