Oct 03, 2008 22:34
It's that time of year again.
NaNoWriMo is right around the corner. I need an outline and a story, STAT!
I received an email from my local NaNoWriMo organizers with all the info for write-ins and meet and greets and so on. I've reactivated my account for this year, now I just need an idea.
It can't be something that I've already written on. It has to be something new. It *can* be an idea I've thrown around in my head for awhile that I haven't done anything on. But new is key.
I would love to write a science fiction story, and I DO have one of those bubbling in the back of my mind, but I think that one requires more research than is useful for a NaNoWriMo story. The story I had last year I knew through and through. I got the whole thing down (more or less) no problem. At least it was easy to outline.
So what now . . . I have the month of October to come up with something, so hopefully come November 1st I'll be ready.
And then? SCBWI is coming up at the turn of January/February and I hope to attend this year. I hope even to get in on Friday for the special workshops. And NESCBWI of course.
Sigh, and ICFA.
I think that's how it will go, in the end. I will take a day for the winter SCBWI so I can be there Friday, and a day for Friday for ICFA and hope that if/when I get in, I'll be able to get a slot for not-W/Th.
That's my conference schedule. That's it. Everything else has to be in the Boston neighborhood, it must come to me.
And so for tonight, I'll close up shop, have some more juice to kick this cold and then bed, because bed is after all the bestest ever.
scbwi nyc,