Jun 30, 2008 22:48
but for the first time ever, I'm contemplating not doing a novel of some flavor for my thesis. I realize this is undoubtedly a complete shock to those of you who have been reading my journal these last couple of days, but I'm really digging this Early Novel thing.
it's more of that ten thousand spoons thing, isn't it?
So instead of a single novel, I may write three Early Novels. Or something like that. Except that this is completely new territory, and therefor a little creepy. But uncharted territory has always been a favorite place of mine to go. And this would also tie in with teaching in a way. I could start a whole movement! The Golden Age of Early Novels!
delusions of grandeur much?
Well. All I know is that it's a good thing I'll be meeting with Amanda on Wednesday. I will have to start a list-of-things-to-talk-about list, because I inevitably forget to ask her something. I did pretty good last time though.
it's 10:46PM, why are you wearing your sunglasses on top of your cap???
Alas, back to work for me.
early novel,