May 07, 2008 22:57
though really, what's the fun in that.
I had critique group tonight and I even had time to squeeze in a nap beforehand. I still have some things to write up for school, but after the paper for class, it'll be nothing.
I want to mention *just* how awesome my critique group is - we meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and if we have a 5th Wednesday, we'll use it for other things, a PowWow if you will, whether it's to discuss particular elements of writing, how to get published or simply to socialize and have fun. Well, we've decided that for our next 5th we are going to have a WiiWow. Those of us who have a Wii will bring our Miis on our controllers and we will play Wii to our heart's content.
that is all. laundry must be put away.
critique group,