Oct 16, 2005 20:57
"Money or Honor?"~Profoundly spoken by Lizzy Jordan
The weekend of "being tested" is almost over. THANK GOD. Parts of it were torture. Parts of it were heaven. By the grace of God I passed (but barely,) resisting the most beautiful things this world has to offer (things that could be the death of me.) Ironically I look back on the desicions made and regret most of them. But then, isn't that how the flesh works?? Its like Jonah...I tried and tried to resist God's commands, then finally, after a few smacks, I decide to go to Ninevah. Once I complete what God's commanded, there I sit miserably on that hill awaiting something else to come of it all.
Its done....but whats next? What should come of this weekend? It SHOULD be enough, but its not. Its never enough.
The bright reminder to this inevitable darkness is that Christ is enough and no matter how I did on my test, he's going to contiually pour out His wisdom onto His people, reminding us that we haven't reached our destination. And because of that we will always want more.