Song A Week Project Weeks 15&16: If I was Designed

Sep 21, 2006 21:30

Here are the two songs I've recorded in September so far. I'm still behind, but not as far behind as it seems if you've been following these posts - I've just had a delay in posting the actual music.

Both of these songs have a hook that's been in my head for quite a while.

"If I was designed" (recorded 9/17) is an attempt to make an entirely personal, non-scientific sort of song against intelligent design. The challenge of this kind of song for me is to try to write something that doesn't sound overwhelmingly preachy. In the end, it came off more successfully than I thought it would.

If I was designed (Ogg)
If I was designed (mp3)
If I was designed (flac)
If I was designed (SoundClick page with lyrics + mp3)

The other song (actually the earlier one, recorded 9/2) is called "I still objectify you." I actually probably first started thinking about this song sometime around Freshman year in college when I was reading essays with names like "Object pleasures" and writing essays on eros, male identity and pornography as portrayed in The Frontrunner. That said, the narrator of the song is an old straight married guy (kind of like me, I guess, but older), so you don't have to worry about any kind of Freshman-at-Brown-esque indoctrination.

I still objectify you (ogg)
I still objectify you (mp3)
I still objectify you (flac)
I still objectify you (Soundclick page)

As always, these songs are offered under a Creative-Commons Non-Commercial Share-Alike license.
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