(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 01:22

   i don't know why i have been updating so much lately... i like never update my lj, but anyways. tonight me and jamie were grabbing a late dinner and we started talking about friends. i realized how important my friends are to me and how much they affect me the past couple of weeks and i am so greatful for what i have. i think that sometimes people try to find happiness in a relationship that they want when they don't realize that they can find that happiness in the people that they are surrounded by everyday. i'm not saying that relationships don't make me happy, because nate makes me really happy, but i also realized that my friends can make me just as happy as well. the past couple weeks i have been so stressed and not in a good mood and i remember waking up and thinking "ok how am i going to get through the day without being a huge bitch to everyone" but then i would find myself in the dining hall with jamie and ryan laughing hystarically. so basically all i'm saying is appreciate the people around you who are always there and don't take them for granted, because they mean more to you then you think.

on that note i went to a recital today and cried...first time i've ever cried at one of these things, but honestly nicole deserves everything good that comes to her. i knew that she lost her mother 2 years ago, but seeing her family all there for her and her appreciating it so much was almost heartbreaking. i started thinking about how i would react if i lost one of my parents, and i realized that i would not be able to function without my parents. i regret when i was young never spending time with my family because i felt like my social life was more important. now i realize that my parents are my biggest supporters who are always there for me no matter what. i am so lucky to have both of my parents alive and healthy and i dont know what i would do without them.

I wear perfume or cologne daily: false
I have a calendar in my room: true
I screen my phone calls: false
I have had my wisdom teeth removed: true
I have driven a mini-van: true
I own a video camera: false
I have alergies: true
I am an only child: false
I am afriad of clowns: false
I subscribe to Cosmopolitan Magazine: fasle
I take a daily vitamin: true
I have too many credit cards: false
I have painted my bedroom: true
I have worn hand-me-down clothes: true
I have broken a bone: false
I have cheated on a partner: false
I play video games: false
I have been in a submarine: false
I have been to Disney: true
I have an opinion about Britney Spears: false
I am an aunt/uncle: false
I have a scar on my knee: false
I am currently on medication: true
I text more than I call people: true
I have been a bridesmaid/groomsmen: true
I am married: false
I have had a supprise birthday party: true
I drink coffee: true
I watch American Idol: false
I have been to Washington D.C.: false

I have been on a diet: true
I have gotten into a car accident: true
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