So you decided to use one of the layouts which are provided on
songtobobby but don't know how to do it. Then this is the post which you should read :) Please notice that this post is for general installing only, which means the special customizations for each layout (if needed) will be explained in the layout's original post. So if you need to ask a question about a specific layout, please ask it in the layout's post. Other installing related questions can be asked in this post.
» First of all, go to the
Journal Customization page and make sure that you are using Style System 2 (S2)
» Then in the search box, type Flexible Squares then hit Search button. Select one of the Flexible Squares themes that will come as the results of search
» Part I is done, now move to
Customize Journal Theme page. Under the Customize Your Theme tab, click on the
Custom CSS link.
» Open the .css file that you've downloaded, copy and paste the code into the Custom external stylesheet URL box. Make sure that Use layout's stylesheet(s) - Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet and Use external stylesheets are all set to NO. Click on Save Changes.