Dude, I stole this from Jess.

Sep 13, 2003 21:59

+ name: Samantha
+ nicknames: Téa, Sammie, Genevieve, Stupid-head >_<;
+ sex: female
+ birthdate: October 19
+ star sign: Libra
+ place of birth: At my mom's work.. Rotfl, she worked at a hospital
+ current residence: umm....Cincinnati?
+ hair colour: Red... ugh.. Blonde, and Brown
+ eye colour: Green or Brown or both.. depends on how I'm feeling
+ height: 5'5 and ¾"
+ writing hand: right

+ do you bite your nails: Yes, unfortunatly ._.;
+ can you roll your tongue: umm...lemme think... Yeah, i frink
+ can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Yessum
+ can you blow smoke rings: No... I don't smoke... Tis Icky
+ can you blow spit bubbles: HELL YEAH!
+ can you cross your eyes: I think so... Let me check.
+ coloured hair: Nooo... It's all natural ;o
+ tattoos and where: My wrist and my arm.. I got bored during social studies >_<
+ piercings and where: Yes, my ears and my pants
+ do you make your bed daily: Only when i'm about to goto sleep. haha >_<
+ what goes on first, bra or underwear: umm, my undies!! :X
+ which shoe goes on first: umm, it doesnt matter o_o but usually the right one
+ speaking of shoes, thrown one at someone: Rotfl, yes. Alot.
+ how much money is usually in your wallet: Dude.. I usually have $1 to $20 in my pocket.
+ what jewelery do you wear 24/7: My necklace, my drawn on bracelets and my mana beads + what's sexiest on a guy: oOo His chest, his eyes and his face ;o
+ what's sexiest on a girl: Their eyes and smile
+ do you twirl your sphagetti or cut it: I twirl it, Rotfl. I'm an oddball.
+ how many cereals are in your cabinet: hold on, lemme check...SIX!! but I only eat my capn' crunch, Rotfl.
+ what utensils do you use when eating pizza: umm.. My fingers?

GROOMiNG[dude, prepare to be grossed out]
+ how often do you brush your teeth: its between 2 and 3 times a day
+ how often do you shower/bathe: every school day or night. Morning - 6:00, Night - 9:00
+ how long do these showers last: 15 minutes to an hour >_<;
+ hair drying method: umm, towl drying, then i use the blowdryer
+ do you paint your nails: Sometimes...only when i bored
+ do you swear: yeah... in my head :X
+ do you mumble to yourself: Very much so.
+ do you spit in public: ummm....sometimes >_<;
+ do you pee in the shower: say wha...
+ in the cd player: Steal This Album, System Of A Down
+ person you talk most on the phone with: Taryn, Nancy or Chris
+ what colour is your bedroom: White >_<;
+ do you use an alarm clock: Yeah, but i set it on Raido to wake me up XD
+ name one thing or person you're obsessed with: Haley Joel Osment... I Talk about how much I love him everyday >_<;;;;
+ have you ever skinnydipped with the opposite sex: Not that I know of o__o;
+ ever sunbathed in the nude: Heeeellllll nooooo.
+ window seat or aisle: ummm...doesnt matter to me =/
+ what's your sleeping position: on my side, my stomach, or scrunched up
+ what kind of bed do you like: I like water beds x.x;
+ in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yes, it gets cold with my ac on ._.
+ do you snore: No
+ do you sleepwalk: I think so.. Not often, Only when I hafta pee :x
+ do you talk in your sleep: no I dont say that I do
+light on or off: Off. I love the dark. Buutttt, I have a street lamp outside my window =/
+ do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: No

+ were kissed or kissed someone: I've never been kissed before x-x;
+ watched bambi: dude, i dont know if i've ever seen that
+ cried: Today ._.;
+ talked on the phone: last night
+ read a book: a few days ago
+ punched someone: ROTFL!!! Yesterday ._.;
+ where do you see yourself ten years from now: I see myself as an actress
+ who are you gonna be married to and where: Haley Joel Osment and we'll live in California!
+ how many kids do you want to have: We'll have our own little football team.. Rotfl, j/k. I'll have like... 5 to 10 kids =/
+ your profession: AN ACTRESS!!
+ future college: University of Cincinnati, or someplace in japan =/

+ who is your best friend: I have three... Nancy, Taryn, and Heero
+ what friend do you hang out with the most: Taryn
+ what friend makes you smile the most: Nancy and Heero
+ friend that you fight with the most: Neil ._.;
+ one you talk to the most online: NANCYYYY
+ friend that you miss the most: Miss? umm.. Nancy, because i'm usually never on and Heero cause he's not on much anymore =/

+ pop music: sure
+ rock music: hella yes
+ punk music: of course
+ rap music: haha! sure, why not
+ r&b music: i never understood what R & B meant ._.;
+ country music: Depends on my mood
+ jazz music: uhh... sometimes =/
+ classical music: Oh Yes!
+ new age music: huh?
+ what is one band/singer you love that no one else does or seems to have heard of: Evanescence

+ boy/girlfriend: currently...Single =/
+ ever been in love: yeah, and the he broke my heart.. I'm over him...really ... I am ._.
+ ever had a long relationship: almost a year...does that count?
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